Main Phone Number: 713-458-1660 

District Hotline: 877.342.1202 (Only to be shared with district representatives) 

Accounts Receivable: 281-822-9598 (Only to be shared IF the intern needs to make a payment over the phone and approved by AR) 

District Select: 800-220-0137 (Only to be shared with interns who are sponsored by a DS district) 

State Program Emails and Phone Numbers

State Email  Phone 
Texas  [email protected]  713-458-1660
Arizona  [email protected]  602-644-7410
Florida  [email protected]  407-358-6905
Indiana  [email protected]  317-260-2908
Michigan  [email protected]  313-209-3504
Nevada  [email protected]  702-359-5081
North Carolina  [email protected]  919-750-8474
South Carolina  [email protected]  803-576-4375
Alabama  [email protected]  334-604-7114
Ohio  [email protected]  380-230-9485

Internal Email addresses  

Certification - [email protected] 

Program Managers – [email protected]  

Classroom Support – [email protected] 

Help desk – [email protected] 

Resignations - [email protected]  

AR - [email protected] 

Deficiency Plan Requests/Emergency Permits [email protected]g 

TX Program Fulfillment - [email protected] 

Transfer Out Form Requests - [email protected]

GPA Exemptions/Resumes for Enrollment Purposes - [email protected] 

Transfer IN Forms - [email protected] 

TOEFL score requests - [email protected] 

Internal/External Email addresses  

Curriculum Support - [email protected]

Canvas Support - [email protected] 

Transcripts - [email protected]   

Transcripts searches - [email protected] 

Client Success and Engagement Team - [email protected]  

General Contact email for interns – [email protected]  

General contact email for applicants - [email protected] 

FBEs - [email protected] (In-person FBE's only) 

Mentor Teacher email address for inquiries - [email protected] 

Adding Districts and Campuses in the Intern portal - [email protected]

SOE - [email protected]  (Please do not direct interns here, this is where districts may send completed SOEs and it is printed on our SOEs. For inquiries on SOE status, you may reach out to Certification Support) 

VA Requests -  [email protected] 


The Learning Liaisons (TLL) - [email protected] Phone: 407-796-5191

Simple K12 - Customers must submit a ticket on the website

Media Relations Requests - [email protected] (If someone calls in with a media inquiry, please provide them with this email) 

Mail: Houston Office 

Teachers of Tomorrow  

2401 Fountain View Dr Suite 700  

Houston, TX 77057 

When to Reach Out 


AR - [email protected] 

Please review the article on Payment FAQs before sending any request to AR. 

  1. Intern has established payments as ACH and wants to change their withdrawal date.  Send an email to AR stating which date the intern would like to change their withdrawal date too.  Typically takes 2-3 business days and goes into effect the following month.  Change must happen at least 3 days prior to their current withdrawal date.
  2. Intern is on ACH withdrawal and wants to pay remaining balance in full.  Send email to AR indicating they want to pay balance in full.  AR will then create an invoice in the intern’s portal for the remaining balance and intern can go in and pay via credit or debit card. Do NOT send this request if the intern is on an RI extension.  
  3. Any confusion on remaining balance or extension fees owed.
  4. Intern wants to know what their withdrawal date is and NO payments have been made yet.  Email AR to find out and you follow up with intern with the info.  

Field-Based Experience: 

FBEs - [email protected]

Do NOT reach out to an individual member on the FBE team directly.  All requests and inquiries should go to [email protected] 

  1. Questions pertaining to in-person FBEs that advisors cannot find answers to in the knowledge base or the intern's portal and they have been directed to email [email protected] by either the Program Manager, Sam or Training Specialist, Sarah.  
  2. Forwarding long-term sub signed verification forms (must be signed by school district representative) 
  3. Should an advisor come across an intern's acccount that has pending in-person field based experience past the processing time outlined on the processing times article, they may follow up via email to [email protected] with a request to expedite the processing of the fbe submission for that intern.  


Curriculum Support:

Curriculum Support - [email protected] 

  • Intern has a curriculum based question on a training module or project
  • Online FBE's that the intern has questions or concerns about or is past the processing time outlined on the processing times article. 
  • Intern is confused on why their project was failed and the provided feedback in their canvas account is not clear or confusing them.
  • Intern would like to have their project grading expedited.  (only on rare occasions) Standard Processing time is 3-5 days for grading.  Expedite requests should go through your immediate manager first. 
    • Only send expedite requests if:
      1. Intern requests it and the intern has completed all program requirements for a standard with just the final internship project remaining and their cert is expired or about to.  
      2. Intern requests it and have compelted all other pre-service requirements (FBEs, training modules, and passed exams) and they have a pending job offer on the line.  

Classroom Support:

Classroom Support – [email protected] 

  1. Intern has not received a Field observation, or been contacted by their field supervisor within 3 weeks of cert being issued.
  2. Intern has a complaint or concern about their field supervisor
  3. Intern needs their field supervisor recommendation and have completed and verified all 5 observations already

Canvas Support: 

Canvas Support - [email protected]

  1. Techinical issues with a course not completing or advancing in canvas 
  2. Technical issues with a video within the course 
  3. lock down browser troubleshooting

Certification Support:

 Certification - [email protected]

  1. Principal Recommendation that needs to be resent –  the PREC gets sent automatically up to 5 times, 40 academic days out from cert expiring.  Only counts academic days, Summer does not count. If there is reason to believe there is error in automation send a follow up email to Certification Support .
  2. Principal recommendation that was sent to wrong email address originally.  Email Certification support with updated principal name, email, school, district and request to have it updated in portal and resent to correct principal email address.
  3. Principal’s Contact information in intern’s portal does reflect current principal.   Send email to C&C with updated principal’s contact info for the respective school and district.  District, School, First name, Last name, email address.   
  4. R2R standard certs – This is not for every R2R.  Any flags and it is not a traditional account.  I.e. RI extension and they have a balance, if principal rec is not checking off.

  5. R2R intern certs – Certification Support  has a tool they use that flags accounts when ready to recommend for intern certs. They run the tool every day.   However, if we are past the beginning of school/early fall recommendation time frame and intern has requirements that are not checking off properly. i.e T&I for someone who does not have a bachelor’s degree and is not required to pass an exam.

  6. Resignations – send immediate email to [email protected] : This is for verbal confirmation of resignation via phone or written communication from intern indicating they have resigned.  Provide as much information as possible, exp: resignation date, Intern ID, school and district, do they want to continue with the program.

  7. Intern’s work schedule with subject, grade level, times.  Certification Support uses schedules to determine if the intern has met the 240 minutes of time taught daily to qualify for an intern certificate.  

  8. Service Records, when we request a service record to determine time taught if previously on an intern cert or probationary cert – This is typically requested when an intern is going on an extension and did not complete a full year on a cert previously or is an applicant trying to transfer into our program. 

  9. Interns who went on maternity leave, FMLA, or administrative leave – Intern must provide documentation from their HR once they return indicating the number of days leave they had. Send to Certification Support for review and documentation.  

  10. Notification of leave – intern initially notifies us of going on leave and we need to place a hold on their account so they are not charged for the month(s) they are gone.  Email Certification Support to advise of the expected dates when the intern will be on leave.  

  11. Changes to Employment  – Intern will need to submit a new Job form and SOE for their new district and campus.  Advisor needs to notify Certification Support of the campus or district change of employment and when the intern plans to make that change. See Mid-Year Employment Changes 

  12. Advisor is unsure about the assignment in the correlating content area.  Example: intern wants to know if Computer Science allows them to teach a Robotics class.   Advisor needs to email Certification Support with the inquiry, Certification Support responds to advisor, Advisor follows up with intern.

  13. Review course descriptions. – These are requested when determining what certification exams are needed to cover the courses inquired about.  Send course description to Certification Support for review, they will respond to advisor, advisor follows up with intern.

  14. Class Schedules - Class schedules are requested upon receiving and processing SOEs.  All class schedules should reflect class times, days, subject and grade levels taught.  

  15. Manual SOE Requests - Interns switching employment mid-year or who previously taught on a probationary cert typically need us to create a manual SOE because they have not passed their PPR exam yet and Prince will not auto populate it.   See Manual SOEs.

  16. Letters of completion and Out of state forms/Reciprocity forms for completers trying to transfer to another state.  

Add Campus: 

When an intern cannot locate their district or campus on either their FBE submission form OR their "I've got a job" form, they can email [email protected].  The advisor may also email on behalf of the intern with the detailed information.  

TX Program Fulfillment: 

  1. Transfer out requests (See Transfer Out Process
  2. PPR 1st attempt approvals 
  3. Manual Test Approvals
  4. Pending Test Approval requests past processing window (See Test Approvals