- Am I allowed to postpone or defer my monthly payment?
To Advisory: If the intern is on verified leave of absence, a financial hold may be placed on the account to pause billing effective the 1st of the following month. If the intern is not on leave, and is currently employed as a teacher, payments are due as scheduled.
- This includes summer months. We will not postpone or delay payments over the summer.
- Draft Date Selections
To Advisory: Starting 03/18/2024 interns will only have the option to select draft dates of either the 1st or the 15th of each month when establishing payments. Interns who previously selected a draft date between the 1st and the 28th of the month will continue to have their payments come out on their selected date.
- Can I change my draft day?
To Advisory: Interns will have the option to change their draft day to either the 1st or the 15th of the month. Interns must send in a request to us at [email protected] to have the date modified. Once the request is received, advisor should email it to [email protected]. Please note: accounting processing times. Draft date changes will not go into effect until the following month.
- What is my draft day?
To Advisory: If an intern’s first draft has come out of their account you can view their draft date under the payments tab in the intern portal. Select Payments> My payments > Paid invoices to view the draft date.
If the intern has not had their first payment come out, check the communication history for an email indicating the draft date selected
- Are there any payment arrangements available to lower my monthly payment amount? This includes any special requests due to extenuating circumstances.
To Interns: If the intern has already established payment, then No. Per the district and TEA, to remain in compliance, payments must be made within 9/10 months depending on the intern’s district.
To Advisory: If the intern has NOT established payment for their program fees yet, advise them that they can pay in full to lower the total cost of the program, but they cannot lower their monthly payments, pause payments, skip a month or not pay a month.
- Are there any additional payment plans for my enrollment fee?
To Advisory: No, the intern must pay their enrollment fee via credit card on the monthly installment option they selected. If the intern has a past due balance on their enrollment fee, they can pay via credit card in their intern portal under Payments> My Payments. They will select the open invoice that is past due and enter their credit or debit card information.
- Are there any additional payment plans for my program fees?
To Advisory: The only two payment options we offer in TX include either via credit card or ACH withdrawal. If the intern wants to change their method of payment to a different bank account or credit card, please email accounts receivables.
- I set up payments but have not seen a draft occur, can you tell me why?
To Advisory: Please refer to the Open Contract Tool to ensure that Compliance has Recommended the intern. Once the intern is recommended and a contract is created, drafts will begin. The first draft will be scheduled the month following the Hire Date. Occasionally the certificate is backdated, or the contract creation is delayed. When this happens, the draft date has been missed for the month and the intern will need to pay online in the portal.
An intern's payments will start the month following their intern certificate recommendation date (start date). For Example: Intern's certificate was recommended for 08/09/2023 and they selected payments to draft from their account on the 15th of each month. Their first payment will not draft until September 2023 on the date they selected. i.e. 09/15/2023
- Can you tell me my monthly payment amount?
To Advisory: If the intern has selected ACH withdrawal or is on payroll deduction, Monthly payments are calculated at the time of recommendation. If the intern has been recommended, the contract total is visible in the Open Contract Tool. The number of billable months is included in parenthesis in the item description.
See example below:
Item 140 – New Teacher Program (9) is billed over 9 months.
The monthly payment would be $494.45 (4,450.00/9)
If the intern has selected to finance through GCEFU, they will need to contact the credit union to confirm their monthly payment amount.
- How many months will Teachers of Tomorrow draft payments?
To Advisory: If the intern is in Hired Status, please refer to the item description in the Open Contract Tool as referenced above. If the intern is in Paid Status, the number of billable months has not been established yet.
Texas interns are set to bill over 10 months except interns at the following districts who are set to 9 months per the district’s request:
- Can I switch from the pay in full option to the monthly installment option?
To Advisory: Yes, the intern may switch, but it will increase the total cost of their program fees if they signed an enrollment agreement after 01/18/2023. Enrollment Agreement program fees are listed as $4,700 for the pay in full and $5,100 for the monthly installment option.
- Can I be reimbursed or refunded for overdraft fees for my monthly payment?
To Advisory: No, we do not refund or reimburse overdraft fees. Interns select the date they want their payments to come out when establishing payment. If the intern chooses to change their draft date, it will not go into effect until the following month.
- Can a district pay for the intern’s program fees?
To Advisory: If a district is requesting to pay for the intern’s program fees the advisor should reach out to the Client Success and Engagement team first so that CSE can reach out to the district to confirm payment. At that time CSE will request an invoice from AR for the intern’s program fees. The Advisor should NOT reach out to AR directly requesting an invoice. CSE will do that and get it to the district directly.
- Can an intern switch from monthly payments to pay in full?
To Advisory: Yes, if the intern is on a monthly payment plan for their program fees they can pay their balance in full upon request. The advisor should send an email to [email protected] requesting an invoice be created for the intern’s remaining balance. Please Note: Do not send a request for an RI extension pay-in-full invoice to be created. Interns on an RI extension should not and cannot pay in full as they pay month to month while on an RI extension.