Once an intern has paid their enrollment fee and is enrolled in the program, their test approvals will reflect in their intern portal as "Eligible."  The intern will first need to complete test prep for their eligible exams before TOT will approve the exam for registration if test prep is provided.  

The intern's Eligible content exams correspond with their admission certification areas.  

For most exams, interns must complete the corresponding test prep before initial approval or re-approval will be granted. See Texas Teachers Test Prep Modules

Requesting an Exam Approval Through the Intern Portal: 

Menu> Test Approvals/Scores 

When an intern submits a request to add a new certificate area, the process has been improved to automatically add the test prep if required and add the test as eligible until the test prep practice test is passed. 

If test prep is required: 

Request exam by code, Reason for Request = Change or Add to Certification Area 

Test prep will automatically be added based on the selection and a message will be displayed

A screenshot of a test Description automatically generated

The content area will now display as “Eligible” in Prince and the Intern Portal. 

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

  • Upon completion and passing the required test prep, the test will automatically be “Approved” and added to the Approved Test Request section.  

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated 



If test prep is NOT required: 

  • The content area test will automatically be added to the Approved Test Request section 

If intern had 3 tests (eligible and/or approved): 

If an intern has 3 tests in the eligible and/or approved status, they will not be able to add more test approvals. 

A message will display and will not allow the intern to add another test: 

A white background with red and yellow spots Description automatically generated 


You already have 3 Test Areas that you are approved or eligible for as listed above. Please remove a test if you would like to pursue a new one. 

The intern now has the option to remove any pending or approved tests.  

A screenshot of a computer screen Description automatically generated


Request exam by code, Reason for Request = Retake Failed exam 

If the intern has not already done their TOT test prep, they will first need to complete our TOT test prep before we will grant re-approval of the exam.  

If the intern has completed our test prep but failed the exam they will be required to complete an outside test prep.  See Test Re-Approvals

Once interns have completed the required test prep, they can go back in and submit their request for test approval. This can take 1-2 business days for approval.   See Processing Times for an accurate time frame based on season. 

Pending test approvals past 2-3 business days: 

If you come across an account that has a pending test approval past the 2-3 day window for approval please email [email protected] to request our TX Prgm Fulfillment team to approve the exam.  

Re-Approvals: Once the intern has completed both our test prep and if applicable, outside test prep they may request re-approval of their exam. See Test Re-approvals 

Once an intern has failed an exam they were previoulsy approved for, and have completed our test prep and/or an outside test prep, they must request re-approval for each attempt through their intern portal.  They will select the exam and the reason for request would be "Retake Failed Exam." (Please note: Re-approvals will not be approved if the intern has outstanding enrollment fee payments, be sure to check their payments tab in their portal)