Our Texas Teachers Test prep modules have been updated to not just provide an overview of the exam, but to include actual test preparation and a practice test for our candidates.  

Passing an exam can be intimidating and Interns don't always know where to start.  Advisors should encourage each intern to complete their required online courses first to learn teaching terminology and pedagogy best practices that will support them on the exam.  Interns will also need to complete the required test prep in their portal to better prepare for the content knowledge on their exams.  

Talking Points: 

"The TExES content exams are standardized tests that require thoughtful studying, planning and practice for.   Successful Interns study a minimum of one month prior to taking their exam.   Small amounts of practice and content review are recommended daily during this time for better retention of the material."  

"Texas Teachers’  required online courses help to prepare you for teaching terminology and Pedagogy style questions on your exam and should be completed prior to your test prep.   Test prep is also required to complete with an 85% or higher for most exams to ensure your success at passing the real exam.  To receive Content Test approval, go to the Test Approvals/Scores section of the Menu in your portal and request test approval online.  Test prep will automatically be assigned based on the Eligible content test."

"Upon completing your test prep, you should schedule your exam within 30 days so the information you learned and reviewed is fresh on your mind for a successful attempt at your exam."    

For most exams, test prep is now required before an intern may receive initial approval or re-approval for additional attempts.  Test prep is required to be completed with an 85% or higher in order to gain test approval for an exam. 

Test Prep Modules: 

  • Texas Teachers offers a corresponding Test Prep Modules for most content exams.  
  • Once the content test is added to the TEST tab as "Eligible" in the Advisor Portal of Prince, it automatically adds the corresponding test prep module. 
  • For interns wanting to request approval for a new exam or re-take a previously attempted exam, they can request test approval be added right in their intern portal under the Test Approvals/Scores tab.  
  • Interns can locate their test prep module in their intern portal under Menu>Training Progress> Content Test Prep.

Requesting Test Approval: 

When an intern requests a new exam approval through their intern portal under Menu> Test Approvals/Scores it will automatically add that exam as "Eligible" and automatically add the corresponding test prep to their portal under Menu> Training Progress> Content Test Prep.  

For Example: Intern requests the STR exam 

It then gets added as "Eligible" under their Test Approvals and Scores section and they receive the following message. 

The Test prep course then reflects in the intern's portal under Menu> Training Progress> Content Test Prep.  

Once the intern completes the test prep with an 85% or higher on the practice test their exam will move from "Eligible" to "Approved." 

Additional Facts: 

  • Currently, The intern can get 4 trys/attempts at each test prep module. (SEE Test Prep - 4 Failed Attempts if intern does not pass within those 4 attempts) 

  • Interns needing approval or re-approval of the 391 or 211 will need to complete the test prep module for the section(s) they failed with an 85% or higher on each section.  See 391 and 211 Sub Test Prep links 

  • Once complete the advisor can reset the test prep module through the advisor portal if requested, under the Training tab> Select the completion date to the right of the corresponding course and then remove the completion date. This will make the test prep course available again through the intern portal.

Exams NOT Requiring Test Prep: 

073 Texas Assessment of Sign Communication- ASL
184 American Sign Language EC-12
129 Speech 7-12
171 Technology Education 6-12
200 Family and Consumer Sciences Composite 6-12
273 Health Science 6-12
275 Marketing Education 6-12 
279 Dance 6-12
600 LOTE Arabic Writing Proficiency EC-12
605 LOTE Arabic Oral Proficiency EC-12
601 LOTE Chinese Writing Proficiency EC-12
606 LOTE Chinese Oral Proficiency EC-12
602 LOTE Japanese Writing proficiency EC-12
607 LOTE Japanese Oral Proficiency EC-12
603 LOTE Russian Writing Proficiency EC-12 
608 LOTE Russian Oral Proficiency EC-12 
604 LOTE Vietnamese Writing Proficiency EC-12 
609 LOTE Vietnamese Oral Proficiency EC-12 
610 LOTE French EC-12
611 LOTE German EC-12 
612 LOTE Latin EC-12 


Q: How many questions are on the practice test? 

A: "The number of questions on the practice test vary based on exam.  The number of questions on our practice tests will be similar to that of the actual exam as our practice tests are designed to simulate the actual exams.  For example: If the 161 Special Education EC-12 exam has 150 questions on the actual test, our practice test has 120 questions. We do not include the field test items from the actual exam.   For an exact number of questions to expect, you can view the "Assessment" link within the course itself for instructions where it will display the number of questions for that practice test."