Interns who have failed either the 391 or 211 Core subject exams and need to complete test prep for re-approval now have the option to complete just the subsections of the test prep that they failed.  

For example: John Smith passed the Math, Science and Social Studies sections of the 391 Core EC-6 but failed the ELAR and Fine Arts sections.  John can now just complete the ELAR and Fine Arts sections of our test prep with an 85% or higher to receive re-approval of the exam.  

Here are the links to the sub sections of each test prep for interns to access.  Once they click on the link it will ask them to log into their portal and enroll in the course.  From there they will complete that subsection of the test prep.  

Advisors will need to send the intern an email with the provided links for their respective test.  Links are  provided in an email template in Five9 titled TX - 391 Sub Test Prep Links and TX- 211 Sub Test Prep Links

391 Core Subjects EC-6:

TST 391.901 Core Subjects ELAR Review and Practice Test – 6811 


TST391.902 Core Subjects MATHEMATICS Review and Practice Test – 6812 


TST 391.903 Core Subjects SOCIAL STUDIES Review and Practice Test – 6813


TST 391.904 Core Subjects SCIENCE Review and Practice Test – 6810


TST 391.905 Core Subjects FINE ARTS/PHYSICAL EDUCATION Review and Practice Test – 6814

211 Core Subjects 4-8:

TST211.806 Test Preparation Resources for ELAR 4-8 Content Test (211) – 6820 


TST211.807 Test Preparation Resources for MATHEMATICS 4-8 Content Test (211) – 6816


TST211.808 Test Preparation Resources for SOCIAL STUDIES 4-8 Content Test (211) – 6817 

TST 211.809 Test Preparation Resources for SCIENCE 4 - 8 Content Test (211) – 6818


Curriculum will send a report daily to our TX Prgrm Fulfillment Team with the course completion for interns.  TX Prgm Fulfillment will compare test prep sub sections completed to the intern's account and re-approve or deny accordingly.  See Processing Times for Test approval times.