There are a few circumstances that we will need to provide a manual SOE to an intern.  All manual SOE's should be created by and provided by our certification support team.  

The Two Most Common: 

  1. Intern previously taught on an Probationary certificate, and is going on an extension or switch cert to teach on an intern certificate next.  
  2. Intern is switching districts mid year and is on either an intern certificate or probationary certificate. See Mid-Year Employment Change  

Probationary to Intern Cert

When older interns in our program previously taught on probationary certificates in 2017 and prior and did not finish the program, they will revisit completing the program now, several years later.  In this circumstance they will next teach on a Intern certificate for their extension or switch cert vs another probationary certificate.  

  • Intern certificates do not require an intern to pass their PPR exam first, and because of this, their SOE will not automatically populate in their intern portal once they have completed pre-service and passed their required content exams.  
  • Prince will only populate an SOE for an intern in HIRED status if they have passed their PPR.  
  • Interns who previously taught on a probationary certificate as their FIRST certificate are in HIRED status and are not required to pass the PPR to go on an extension to teach on an intern certificate for their 2nd certifcate.  

For these interns, you will need to email certification support to request a manual SOE.  See When and Whom to Reach Out To

Mid-Year employment/district Switch 

When an intern switches employment mid year and changes campuses or districts they will need a manual SOE if they have not already passed their PPR exam. See Mid-Year Employment Switch   

  • The SOE will not auto populate for interns who have not completed all pre-service, their PPR Review, and their PPR exam.  
  • However, we require a new SOE so our certification support team can verify new employment and confirm they are teaching in an assignment that aligns with their certification area. 

For These interns, you will need to email certification support to request a manual SOE.