Interns are approved for the their 1st attempt at the PPR once completing their PPR review with an 80% or higher on each section within 2-3 business days of completing their review.  (See PPR Review Details

Our TX Prgrm Fulfillment team will work daily to approve interns who completed their PPR review the previous business day.  

Should an intern be denied approval for any reason, a note will be made in their account indicating the reason.  For example: pre-service not complete, PPR exam denied.  

All 1st attempt PPR approval requests should go to TX Prgm Fulfillment at [email protected] or [email protected].  Either email will filter to the same skill in five9 for our program fulfillment team to work.  

Before sending your request you should:

1.) Confirm content exam(s) is passed 

2.) Confirm Required Courses and Field Based experience are completed and checked off their checklist 

3.) Confirm their PPR review is completed with an 80% or higher on each section 

4.) Confirm it is past the 2-3 business period for approval after they completed their PPR review.