Program Quality Scoring Guide

Targets behaviors essential to achieving First Contact Resolution & delivering a great Experience 




Question/Business Purpose

Answer Options

Description/Additional Detail





 1 pt

Did the Advisor take steps to ensure they understood all needs?


Business Purpose: To understand if our Advisors  are taking steps to ensure proper resolution

  • YES
  • NO – Intern was not clear and Advisor did not clarify/paraphrase
  • NO – Intern was clear but Advisor misunderstood and did not clarify/paraphrase
  • N/A – Clearly stated and easily understood



YES – paraphrasing and clarifying questions led to taking steps to correct resolution path 
NO – we did not accurately understand and took at least 1 step to an inappropriate response/resolution.

  • “Could you clarify, have you already completed test prep?



  • “Great!  You’re calling because you are having an issue submitting your reflection.”





5 pts

Was the Welcome Call Structure effectively utilized?


Business Purpose:

To understand if Advisors are structuring the welcome call to ToT standards

  • YES
  • NO – Did not attempt
  • NO – Crucial questions not asked
  • NO – Missed reviewing the program details
  • NO – Missed reviewing time management
  • NO – Homework not discussed
  • NO - Follow-up not scheduled
  • NO – Multiple issues
  • N/A 

YES – followed the basic steps of the structure (questions that are answered before asked don’t need to be repeated)


N/A – the welcome call was already conducted or the Intern states they do not have time.


*inaccurate information when reviewing program or pricing details would not be counted off in this question; incomplete information would be counted in this question if a phase was missed  EX – covered Phase 1 pricing but not Phase 2


 3 pts

Were probing questions asked?


Business Purpose:

To understand if Advisors are taking steps to get to know the Intern

  • YES
  • NO – Asked some but missed impactful opportunity for greater understanding
  • NO – Did not ask any
  • N/A


When evaluating a 1st contact, we are looking for probing questions that are in addition to those documented in the initial call structure aimed at getting to know the Intern, their situation and goals.  Asking only the questions listed on the call structure would not earn credit.

 Ex – “what subject/grade have you been substituting for?” 

“how have you enjoyed our courses so far?”


N/A – should be used only in situations where the Intern has a specific question and specifically states they do not have time for a longer discussion.

 5 pts

Did the Advisor provide complete and accurate information?


Business Purpose:

Accurate and complete information allows the Intern to make informed decisions and efficiently move toward completion

  • YES
  • NO – Incomplete Information provided
  • NO – Inaccurate information provided
  • NO – Both incomplete and inaccurate information provided

Consider information that is documented in the KB and information received during training.


NO – incomplete information is missing critical details that impact the Intern’s ability to move forward

 3 pts

Did the Advisor take necessary procedural steps throughout the interaction?


Business Purpose:

To ensure our Advisors are taking the appropriate action to complete resolution

  • YES
  • NO – Notes lacked important details
  • NO – Didn’t schedule promised follow-up
  • NO – Didn’t select the correct disposition
  • NO – Didn’t update exam score
  • NO – Inappropriately reached out/failed to reach out to a support department
  • NO – Didn’t appropriately expedite a document 
  • NO – Other
  • NO – Multiple issues
  • N/A

YES – actions were taken and they were appropriate


NO – inaction or taking inappropriate actions

EX – inappropriately reaching out to a support department, failing to update a test score 


OTHER – please document was procedure was missed in comments


N/A – no procedural steps were required in this call

 3 pts

Did the Advisor act on bell ringers and/or make appropriate recommendations based on account review?


Business Purpose:

To understand if Advisors are future solving to gain FCR

  • YES
  • NO – Missed acting on an impactful bell ringer
  • NO – Missed acting on important account cues
  • NO – Missed acting on both bell ringers and account cues
  • N/A

Bell ringer is something the Intern mentions in passing that you should pause on to ask questions and provide resolution/more information on.
EX - “I attended a job fair and they wanted an SOE.  How do I get that?”

“Can you tell me what type of position you were inquiring about at the job fair?”


N/A – should be used only in situations where the Intern states they are in a rush and don’t have time for additional conversation.






 1 pt

Did the Advisor greet the Intern?


Business purpose:

To capture if Advisors are opening with a greeting that embodies our brand 

  • YES 
  • NO – Did not brand the greeting
  • NO – Did not provide their name
  • NO - Unprofessional


Welcoming & Branded

  • Good morning, My name is __________ and I am a Program Advisor calling from Teachers of Tomorrow.   Is this ________ I am speaking with?”
  • “Good morning, thank you for calling Teachers of Tomorrow, this is _______, your Program Advisor.  How can I assist you today?”


Generic & Branded - A straightforward, short greeting that transitions quickly to the next step in the interaction flow.

  • “This is _______ calling from Teachers of Tomorrow.     Can you verify your name and email address?”



  • “Hi, is this _______?”
  • Delayed greeting for over 7 seconds


*When observing transferred calls, answer based on how the receiving Advisor greeted the Intern.

 3 pts

Was the Advisor professional throughout the interaction?


Business Purpose:

To understand if Advisors are providing a professional experience that builds trust in our program

  • YES
  • NO – Sounded scripted/ disinterested/not engaged
  • NO – Missed common pleasantries
  • NO – Failed to utilize information available in the account or provided by the Intern
  • NO – Interrupted/talked over the Intern


YES – a genuine conversation where the Advisor is attentive and proficient


Common pleasantries - statements of understanding, reassurances and statements of appreciation 
 EX – “I would be happy to help you with that.”


Failed to utilize info would be when we ask for their name when they clearly stated it at the beginning of the call or we ask them their certification area instead of telling them what is reflected in their account.


NO – if more than one NO reason, select the most impactful.







 2 pts

Was the conversation personalized to the Intern? 


Business Purpose:

To understand if our Advisors are providing a personal experience that demonstrates we are an advocate for the Intern

  • YES
  • NO – Details were available, but were not used to tailor the conversation
  • NO – Details were not available and the conversation was not personalized 
  • N/A

YES – used what they learned, while asking probing questions or active listening when Intern is forthcoming, to tailor the conversation.

EX – “You mentioned earlier you left your marketing job because you wanted a career change and that getting a job quickly is important, so I would recommend that you begin working on your required coursework this weekend so you can get your intern certificate as quickly as possible.”


NO – scripted/standard responses that can apply to any Intern
N/A – should be used only in situations where the Intern has a specific question and specifically states they do not have time for a longer discussion.


 3 pts

Did the Advisor show they cared about the Intern’s success? 


Business Purpose:

To understand if our Advisors are demonstrating care that we value and appreciate the Intern

  • YES
  • NO – Missed opportunity to display empathy
  • NO – Missed the opportunity to show excitement
  • NO – Missed the opportunity to show understanding/relate


YES – used word choices and genuine delivery that let the Intern know we care and will support them during their certification journey

EX – “I’m so excited you found us here at ToT!  I know you are going to be a great teacher and we will be with you every step of your journey to certification.”


NO – if more than one NO reason, select the most impactful.



 2 pts

Was the Advisor efficient during the interaction?


Business Purpose:

To understand if the Advisor is engaged, listening, and taking steps to move the call forward efficiently


  • YES
  • NO – Didn’t use tools effectively
  • NO – Didn’t display active listening/customer needed to repeat
  • NO – Excessive non-talk time
  • NO – Excessive unrelated small talk
  • NO – Irrelevant/untimely details shared
  • NO – Extended hold/mute
  • NO – Noticeably distracted
  • NO – Multiple issues

YES – Advisor was able to move the call forward in a way that didn’t create unnecessary delays (dead air, lack of active listening, etc.)


Excessive non-talk time is longer than 45 seconds


Excessive hold time is longer than 2 mins prior to checking back.  When doing initial check back, the Advisor should set expectations if needing more than an additional 2 mins.  Must check back a 2nd time if time approaches expectations set.


Irrelevant/untimely information are details shared in future call campaigns



 3 pts

Was the Advisor easily understood during the interaction?


Business Purpose:

To understand if the Advisor is communicating      clearly with the Intern

  • YES
  • NO – Word choices were not clear and caused confusion
  • NO – Word choices did not display confidence
  • NO – Used jargon/acronyms
  • NO – Grammar/pronunciation caused confusion
  • NO – Pace was not adjusted to meet the needs of the Intern

NO – if more than one NO reason, select the most impactful.


 1 pt

Did the Advisor provide an effective recap?


Business Purpose:

To understand if Advisors are taking steps to ensure the Intern received what they expected during the interaction.

  • YES
  • NO – No recap steps completed
  • NO – Did not remind Intern of what was discussed
  • NO – Did not remind Intern of critical next steps
  • NO – Did not ask if any further assistance is needed
  • N/A

A recap should include a quick summary of what was discussed as well as expectations of what the customer should expect in the future



N/A should only be used when the call ends before the opportunity to provide a recap (i.e. dropped call or Intern ends call abruptly)







 0 pts

What part of the call should be saved for training purposes?


Business Purpose: 

To track great calls that can be used for training and celebrated

  • N/A
  • Complete call
  • Portion of call – timestamp in comments
     Majority – timestamp to exclude in comments

The entire call does not have to be perfect.  If the Advisor demonstrated exemplary behaviors in a specific area, please add a detailed comment and timestamp.




Was egregious behavior exhibited on the call?


Business Purpose:

To ensure we are acting on any egregious behavior demonstrated in the call

  • Used wrong account
  • Failed to verify the caller
  • Call abandonment
  • Used condescending or rude language 
  • Made derogatory statements about ToT, partners in the educational community or anyone else
  • Failed to document the Intern’s account or misrepresented the conversation
  • Failed to escalate to a manager when requested

Any of these actions will result in an Auto-fail of the call


Verification - email address and at least one other piece of personal information on the account


Rude language includes profanity


Abandonment - hung up or failed to respond


Misrepresenting the conversation would be documenting a conversation or parts of a conversation that did not take place or were not accurate to the actual conversation