Once the intern has met the requirements to enroll in Teachers of Tomorrow, you can walk them through the process of enrolling.

  1. Call the intern and discuss the areas that were approved based on their transcripts.
  2. Ask the intern what area they plan to pursue for certification.
    1. Update the intern's Admission Certification Area
    2. Enter the tests that are required
    3. Enter their training track
  3. Under Contract Tool, you will select Offer Admission. This will send an automatic email to the Intern. They will need to complete the enrollment by confirming their email address, creating a password, signing their agreements, and selecting their payment option for the Enrollment Fee. – See the attachment below that includes the information to verify their email and set up their account.
    1. $299 – in full, 3 payments of $115.   Enrollment fee must be paid before the intern can be moved into Phase 2 (hired) status.

Once the intern has completed the enrollment process (Signed their enrollment agreement and paid), they will have access to Phase 1 requirements.

Phase 1 Requirements