Once the intern has met the requirements to enroll in Teachers of Tomorrow, you can walk them through the process of enrolling.
- Call the intern and discuss the areas that were approved based on their transcripts.
- Ask the intern what area they plan to pursue for certification.
- Update the intern's Admission Certification Area
- Enter the tests that are required
- Enter their training track
- Under Contract Tool, you will select Offer Admission. This will send an automatic email to the Intern. They will need to complete the enrollment by confirming their email address, creating a password, signing their agreements, and selecting their payment option for the Enrollment Fee. – See the attachment below that includes the information to verify their email and set up their account.
- $299 – in full, 3 payments of $115. Enrollment fee must be paid before the intern can be moved into Phase 2 (hired) status.
Once the intern has completed the enrollment process (Signed their enrollment agreement and paid), they will have access to Phase 1 requirements.