Should you receive a call from an intern or applicant that requests to speak with a specific advisor the procedure is to help that intern yourself.  All advisors are equipped to handle calls from any applicant or intern for their respective state.  For exceptions please see Call Transfer Expectations in Five 9. Advisors should not transfer a call directly to another advisor because the intern asked for them.

Some key phrases you may use to help communicate to the intern that you can help are the following

"Sarah (insert requested advisor name) is not available right now, but she did leave some detailed notes in the account and I can help you with your requirements and next steps." 

"Sarah (insert requested advisor name) is on the phone currently, we spend 90% of our day on the phone so it may be quicker for me to help you.  I see she left some detailed notes on your previous conversation and I have full access to your account to help you.  What questions do you have?" 

"I'm a trained advisor, I can definetley help you with your unique situation and questions."