The goal of the Sales and Engagement piece of the call rubric is to close the sale and help the intern make a postive decision in moving forward with our program.
It's important to remember that sales and engagment is unique to each call. What one statement may add to one call, may not apply to another. There is an art to discovering the intern's needs, objections and reasons behind certification. Our goal is to create an emotional connection between the intern and teaching.
The expectation is to ask closing style questions to help close the deal and get the intern enrolled.
Ask Closing type questions:
"When do you think you will get your transcripts to us?"
"Let's get you enrolled today, would you lilke me to walk you through the process on our website now?"
"When do you plan to pay to enroll so I can notate your account of when we should expect you?"
"Would you like to get started today?"
Engaging with our interns is more than just providing an answer to their question or simply relaying their next step in the enrollment process.
What is engaging with the intern?
- Asking questions to discover their needs or doubts about moving forward with the program
- matching their needs and doubts about the program with a feature or benefit.
- Commending them on choosing teaching and encourage them!
Example: Intern states she is a busy mom and and you hear kids in the background of the call. Advisor may respond with, "Our program is flexible and designed for individuals like yourself who have full time jobs and families."
Some key phrases that may apply to some conversations but not all include:
"What questions can I answer for you to help you in making your decision?"
"We look forward to reviewing your transcripts and next steps."
"We know you are going to do great things, and we look forward to partnering with you on your journey to become certified."
Ask questions to discover their needs in a program or doubts about moving forward with our program.
- When is your goal to be teaching in the classroom by?
- What concerns or questions do you have about your teaching year?
- Why did you choose teaching as a career path?
- What questions can I answer for you to help make your decision?
Match the intern's response with a feature, benefit, or encouraging statement
- Intern's response: "I'd like to be teaching by August, is that possible?"
- Advior responds with: "Absolutely! our program is flexible and on average the pre-service takes about 2-5 months to complete so now is the perfect time to get started and teaching by August."
- Intern's response: "I just spent the last 4 years getting my degree in education and I don't want to have to take all the courses over again."
- Advisor responds with, "I totally understand, you have done some hard work earning your degree. Our program is designed for individuals like yourself who have a degree but need their certification. You can avoid unpaid student teaching and instead do a year of paid teaching through Texas Teachers. The training courses are required, but should be a good refresher for you and are completely flexible so you can work through them as quickly as you would like!"
- Intern's response: "I chose teaching because I really want to make a difference and teaching is in my blood. My mother and sister are both teachers."
- Advisor's response: "That is amazing! I know you are going to great things and we are thrilled to be partnering with you on your journey to certification."
- Intern's response: "I don't know where to start or how to find a job, It feels like a lot of work."
- Advisor's response: "Our program is streamlined and your requirements for hire are outlined in your intern portal at all times so you know what to work on next. Also, we have so many job resources to help you get hired. Job fairs, resume review service and a district select program that may interest you where you may get potential sponsorship through designated districts. Would you like me to send you more information on our participating districts so you can apply directly with them?"
Commend and Encourage!
- There is a nationwide teacher shortage and we know becoming an educator is no easy feat.
- Students today not only need teachers, but they also need mentors that care about them beyond learning in the classroom
- There is such a need for passionate people like you in the classroom. I know you are going to do great things.
- Everyone had a teacher at some point who impacted them. Now is your chance to make that same impact on a child.
- Our communities need you, our state needs you. You can and will make a difference in so many student's lives and we commend you on choosing this as your profession.