If an intern's completion date for a course is not reflecting in Canvas nor Prince but are claiming they have completed the course in its entirety, the advisor should take the following steps to determine if the course has been completed with an 80% or higher for all courses except test prep courses.  

Step 1: After locating the intern's account and the course in question (See Identifying Course Completion Date), the advisor should click on the modules tab on the far left column to pull up modules for that specific course.  

Step 2: Next, the advisor should click on "View Progress" in the top right corner 

Step 3:  Locate progress for the specific intern by clicking Control F on your keyboard to search for their name. This will pull up progress specific to the intern you are helping. 

This should highlight the person's name under "Student Progress." Click directly on their name to view their progress within the course. 

Step 4: Determine which modules within the course have been completed by reviewing the column to the right for either "Complete," "In Progress," or "Locked." 

  • Notice: this intern has not completed each module within the course, thus the course is not concluding nor should they receive credit for it yet.  As the advisor, you would let the intern know which remaining modules they need to complete in order for the course to conclude on its own and reflect credit for them.  

If the modules are reflecting as fully complete move on to step 5 

Step 5: If modules for a course are showing as fully completed (See Example Below) then move on to Step 6 to confirm the grade.  

Step 6: If the modules for the intern's course are complete you will navigate to the student grades section to confirm that the intern scored an 80% or higher on the course.  

  • Start by clicking on the "Grades" tab on the far left column.
  • Next, enter the intern's name under "Student's Name," to locate their grades.  

  • If the grade reflects as an 80% or higher, you may move forward with Step 7.  If the grade reflects less than 80% you will need to advise the intern complete the course with an 80% or higher for it to conclude and for them to receive credit.  

Step 7: Update the intern's Canvas account by concluding the course.  

  • Admin> Teachers of Tomorrow> People > Enter Intern ID > Select course in question under the intern's enrollments (the example above is for TCR 101)