Starting 01.18.23 any intern who pays and enrolls signs a new enrollment agreement.  Any intern who paid and enrolled prior to 01.18.23 signed an intern agreement.  

This article outlines key changes of differences in the enrollment agreement that are NOT in the intern agreement AND that affect all interns who signed an Enrollment Agreement.  See attached example of an enrollment agreement below.  

Emergency Certification Fee:  

  • Interns agree to pay a one-time fee of $275 if they get hired on an Emergency Permit during Phase I of the program. 
  • Texas Teachers will not release the required Deficiency Plan to get their Emergency Permit until the Emergency Certification Fee is received.  (See Deficiency Plan Requests)

Phase I Changes: 

  1. Intern must complete phase 1 of the program within 24 months 
  2. Interns who have not completed phase I within 24 months may obtain a 12 month extension 
  3. The 12 month extension to complete phase I will cost $195 (This is outlined in section 2(a)(iii) of the enrollment agreement.  
  4. Interns must notify us and pay the $195 12-month extension fee for phase I within 5 business days of their 24 month period ending. 
  5. Interns who do not obtain an extension for Phase I and do not get hired within the designated time frame will be discharged from the program.  They may re-enroll but will be required to start over from the beginning. 

Phase II Changes: 

If the intern does not complete the full internship year of teaching, they wll receive a pro-rated reduction of the Program Fee, as follows: 

  • If Enrollee leaves within the first 45 days, the total Program Fee is reduced by 50% 
  • If Enrollee leaves between 45 days and 90 days, the total Program Fee is reduced by 25%
  • If Enrollee leaves after 90 days, Enrollee will not be entitled to a reduction of the Program Fee.  
  • This is outlined in section 2(c)(iv) of the enrollment agreement.

The Program Fees are subject to change prior to an intern getting hired to teach on an intern certificate.  Outlined in section 2(c)(ii). 

Extension Fees: 

  • Any additional time needed to complete phase II of the program will require the intern to pay an extension fee of $250 per month until all requirements are met for their standard certificate up to a maximum of 24 months.