- Any Current test approvals or former attempts under a different educator preparation program (EPP) requires a transfer form.
- Approved or attempted TExES exams require a transfer form IF they were not taken via the PACT method
Approved PACT exams do not require a transfer form
- Intern would need to verify verbally or in writing that he/she is not enrolled in that EPP
It is important to look at several columns under the examinations tab when determinig if an intern needs a transfer form
- Type
- If the type of exam is a PACT exam. we don't necessarily need a transfer form
- A TExES exam typically indicates we need a transfer form unless it was taken via the PACT method
- Code
- Indicates the exam title and subject tested in
- Description
- Exam title
- Date
- Indicates when the exam was administered and how old it is
- Result
- If it is a passed exam, and still current, the intern will receive credit for it once enrolled
- Institution
- It shows what program we will need the transfer form from
- Cert rt
- Shows whether the intern took a PACT exam or an exam via the PACT method
- Cert routes that also indicate we need a transfer form include University initial and ACP with or W/out Prep
If an Applicant's TEA account reflects "No Exams found for this Social Security Number," under Examination results, the advisor will need to verbally confirm they were not enrolled in another Alternative Certification Program. The message could be an indicator they were once previously enrolled.
If an intern has multiple failed exams please see Testing History Policy
Example of a TExES exam taken via the PACT method- No transfer form required if intern confirms verbally or via email they were not enrolled in another program
Example of New PACT exams taken in TEA. These do NOT require a Transfer Form.
Example of a current TExES exam taken through a different EPP - Transfer Form Required