Enrollment Fees: 

Upon qualifying for our program and being offered admission, the candidate will pay their enrollment fee to enroll in the program and get started.  


The candidate has 2 payment options 


  • Pay in full for $299 
  • 3 Monthly installments of $115 each totaling $345.  
    • the first payment of $115 will allow them to enroll and get started 


Upon paying their enrollment fee they move immediately into phase I of the program and can get started with their phase I requirements.   


Program Fees: 

Interns establish payment for their program fees upon attaining a full-time teaching position on their Residency License.  

  • Pay in Full - $4,700
  • 12 monthly installments of $425 totaling $5100


When interns establish payment they will have the option to pay with credit card or ACH withdrawal and may select either the 1st or the 15th of the month for reoccurring payments.  

Climb Credit is also available to finance their program fees.   

Advisors Please Note: In North Carolina, the cost of the program is dictated by when the intern signed either their Enrollment Agreement.  The prices indicated above are current rates for interns who signed our current Enrollment Agreement.  However, their pricing will reflect differently depending on what is outlined in their contract.  Please reference their Enrollment Agreement via the documents tab in the Prince account for accurate pricing info.