Search for the intern in the Advisor Portal of Prince.

View Intern Portal as the intern.

  •  Click Menu
  •  Click Program Document
  •  Click Download Transcript under “Program Transcript”

Return to intern account of the Advisor Portal of Prince

  • Click the Training Tab 

Split screen to have the Teacher Licensure Transcript on one side and the Prince Training Path window on the other.

On the Prince Training Path window, click “Add Entire Training Path” to DELETE current path.

A notification pop-up will ask if you are sure you want to delete the current path. Click OK.

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A second notification pop-up will inform you that all data will be lost. Click OK.

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A notification pop-up informs you that you can now add a new Path. Click OK.

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Click on the “Select a Path” drop down Menu.

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Training Paths to select from:

              North Carolina Elementary

              North Carolina K-12

              North Carolina Secondary

              North Carolina Special Ed

Once you have selected a Training Path, click “Confirm and Add”.


Once the new training path has posted, begin to transpose completion dates from the Teacher License Transcript pdf to the completion date column in the training path for each respective course.



Select “Set Date” in the training path to enter the completion date.

*Note all completed courses listed on the Teacher Licensure Transcript will be a part of the new training path.

Once all course completion dates have been entered, click “Add Single Training Course”.

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Click on the “Available Courses to Add:” drop down menu to select the appropriate edTPA course.

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You have successfully updated the training path!

Return to the intern’s file in Advisor Portal of Prince.

Click on the “Admission Certification Area” window.

Once the Admissions Certification Area window has opened, click on “Add Admission Cert Area”.

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Select the appropriate admission certification area and reason, then click Save.

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You have successfully updated the admissions certification area!

Updating the North Carolina Training Path is now complete!