In Michigan, if the candidate wants to pursue Special Education Learning Disabilities, they must either first be a standard certificate holder, or have completed all requirements to qualify for a standard certificate.  The candidate has 2 options: 1st time certificate seekers and Adding SPED endorsement area after they are a standard certificate holder.  


1st Time Certificate Seekers:

First, the candidate must meet all requirements to be issued a standard in a different endorsement area before they can pursue special education.  


Must meet qualifications to enroll in the program for a different endorsement area

  • Application
  • Interview questionnaire
  • Official Transcripts
  • Bach Degree with a 2.95 GPA or higher
  • Pay enrollment fees


Phase I:

  • Pass MTTC in initial endorsement area
  • Background check
  • Hired in the initial endorsement area (Submit IGAJF and Establish Payment)
  • Apply for ITC through MOECS

Phase II:

  • Complete all coursework for SPED Dual Training Track
    1. This includes classroom readiness training, projects and excellence in teaching and learning
    2. If the intern is already on their ITC for an initial endorsement area, SPED courses must be manually added in by your manager
  • 7 Field Supervisor visits total
    1. 7 total across both the initial endorsement area and SPED time taught.  Meaning, the intern does not have to have all 7 completed prior to moving on to SPED endorsement
    2. 3 visits in in initial area and 4 in SPED.  For any other circumstances, contact your manager for review
  • Pay off initial balance (regular program fees)
  • Provide Michigan work experience form to reflect at least 600 contact hours/50 in the initial endorsement area before moving on to SPED.
  • Pass MTTC for SPED – Learning Disabilities
    1. This test can be passed at any time prior to teaching for 8 weeks in SPED
  • Intern must submit/obtain 8 weeks of time taught in SPED
    1. This must be done while in our program on an ITC after completing their SPED coursework and passing their exam
    2. The 8 weeks completed does not have to be on a SPED sub permit specifically
    3. Time Taught in SPED prior to teaching on an ITC for SPED will count toward the 50 hours required for their SPED Endorsement.  

  • Cert Support must approve the SPED Time Taught form (See SPED Time Taught)
  • Candidate can be teaching initial area as the Teacher of Record, and then go to SPED as the Teacher of Record OR they can do their 8 weeks of co-teaching with someone who is a certified Teacher of Record (This will count toward overall time taught)
  • Apply for an additional endorsement application through MOECS for an ITC.
  • Complete 3 years of time taught which includes a minimum of 600 contact hours total
    1. 8 weeks taught in SPED counts toward the 50 hours required in their endorsement area
  • Pay additional endorsement area fees of either $3,000 or $3,300 over 10 months. (Please check the intern’s enrollment agreement for specific pricing)
  • Principal Recommendation
    1. Not required before adding SPED, but required at the end of their 3 years on an ITC to earn standard cert)
  • Field Supervisor Recommendation
  • Apply for standard


Adding Endorsement Area – SPED (Current Standard Holders)

If a standard certificate holder goes through our program to add special education learning disabilities to their standard certificate, they must only complete the special education coursework. They are not required to complete classroom readiness training. (Training Track = SPED Endorsement Only)  



Must meet qualifications to enroll in the program for a different endorsement area 

  • Application 
  • Interview Quesstionnaire 
  • Official Transcripts 
  • Bach Degree with a 2.95 GPA or higher 
  • Pay enrollment fees 


Phase I: 

  • Pass MTTC exam for SPED – Learning Disabilities 
  • Complete Special Education Coursework (SPED only training track) 
  • Background check 
  • Apply for additional endorsement area ITC through MOECS 

Phase II: 

  • Teach for 3 years on an ITC with at least 600 student contact hours with 50 being in their endorsement area of Special Education 
  • 7 field supervisor observations if they have never been in our program.  
    1. If the intern has been in our program previously, we will only conduct 3 field supervisor observations
  • Positive Field Supervisor Recommendation 
  • Positive Principal Recommendation 
  • Michigan Work Experience Form Completed 
  • Pay SPED endorsement fee of either $3,000 if paid in full or $3,300 if paid over 10 months. (Check enrollment agreement for accurate fees) 
  • Apply for additional endorsement area Standard through MOECS