The changes affecting advisors this sprint release include updates to the OH intern portal to remove the what's next checklist, update the training progress tab and update the job profile for the PDI candidates. It also includes updates to the NC intern portal where employment documents tab has been removed, FL updates to the portal to include FBE requirement on the checklist, as well as bug fixes for our application to save the app questions in the advisor portal.
OH - Intern Portal Updates
The What's Next Checklist has been removed for both PDI and IPTI candidates from the intern portal
The TOT transcript is now available and reflects which program the candidate is pursuing
Job profile for PDI is different since they are already employed and we have removed the option for them to list preferred districts
NC - Updates to the intern portal and Form RL
Updates have been made to remove access to employment documents and the Form RL. All Form RL requests should now be sent to NC Certification Support as interns will no longer have access to theirs via the portal.
FL - Updates to the intern portal to include FBES on Checklist
Any intern enrolled on or after 07/01/2023 is required to complete 60 hours of field based experience . Previously notification was added to the intern portal under the field-based experience tab and we have added this requirement for those it applies to under the What's next checklist
Application - All States
A bug fix was created so that questions answered on the application will now save in the advisor portal of Prince. Previously, not all applications were coming through with these questions saved.