Applicants will now receive a series of Marketing emails based on what pending items are needed admission or their application path indicated.  

This should greatly reduce the number of emails that advisors must send to the candidate and be beneficial to the candidate because we are streamlining their communications and helping them move through enrollment quicker and smoother!

If the intern has NO Application Path indicated in their account they will still receive the dynamic emails on pending items including:  transcripts needed, assessment needed, No SSN on file,  or no teaching preference provided.  

Otherwise, it is important that each account has an application path indicated on it. Advisors can log an application path in the advisor portal of the prince account under the admission tab.  

For Example: The applicant needs to send in a transfer form before we can consider them for admission to our program.  The Application path indicated in the account should be "Transfer Form."  When indicated,  the applicant will receive the transfer form email that provides the form and requests them to send it in.   

To Advisors: When an application path is selected, it is imperative that the advisor uncheck the application path once the admissions item is received.  This will prevent the intern from continuing to receive the dynamic emails for that item/topic.  

Dynamic Email Examples 

  • Needs Transcripts 
  • App Path: Additional Transcripts
  • Needs Interview 
  • No teaching Preference Provided 
  • No SSN Provided 
  • App Path - Contingency 
  • App Path - PACT 
  • App Path - Transfer form 
  • App Path- International
  • App Path - FAB Pact
  • App Path - LOTE
  • App Path - Trade and Industry (SOQ)
  • App Path - Career & Technical

Below are screenshots of what these emails will look like.  Again, the emails will only go to an applicant who is still needing to send the pending requirement IF the advisor has correctly filled in the application path.  

No Transcripts

Additional Transcripts: 



Transfer Form: 


PACT Path: (GPA,  


No Interview: 

No SSN: 


LOTE Spanish: 




Trade & Industry: 


Career & Technical: 


FAB PACT (Business):