A group of 23 Indiana Interns  who were identified as potentially needing to take an additional literacy course made possible by grant funding have been emailed by our curriculum department to notify them of this requirement.  

Email sent to interns: 

Good morning!


Indiana recently adopted the Science of Reading standards and is requiring all Elementary and Special Education teacher candidates who complete their program after June 30, 2025, to demonstrate competency in these standards to earn their Professional Practitioner License and Literacy Endorsement. 


You are receiving this email because you were identified as a candidate who could potentially need additional training to pass the associated test, pending your program completion date.  We noted you previously completed the current INTL 701 Research-Based Strategies for Literacy Development, a course that is under revision to better align with the updated standards.  The course in its current version will not adequately prepare you for the new state requirements that will be in effect after June 30, 2025. 


Teachers of Tomorrow was awarded a grant to enable impacted candidates to take the AIM Institute for Learning and Research Pathways to Proficient Reading course in preparation for the Literacy Endorsement assessment.  If you believe you will NOT attain your Professional Practitioner License prior to July 1, 2025, and will need additional training, please respond to this email for specific instructions to enroll in the AIM course.  


In order to utilize the grant, all enrollments for the AIM course must occur prior to August 31, 2024.  Teachers of Tomorrow will not be able to pay for the AIM course or other IDOE approved vendor course after that date.  


Best Regards,


Should a candidate who is not on the attached list below of candidates who were emailed call in to inquire if they need this literacy course use the following questions to determine if they will need this training and be eligible for the grant.  

  1. Are you certifying in Elementary or Special Education?

a.                  Yes -  direct to next question

b.                 No - this grant is not for you

2.                  Will you have completed the program and earned your Professional Practitioner License prior to July 1, 2025?

a.                  Yes - this grant is not for you

b.                 No - direct to next question

3.                  Are you currently taking or have you already completed INTL 701 Research-Based Literacy Strategies

a.                  Yes - this course does not meet the Science of Reading standards and will not prepare you to be successful on the Praxis test for Teaching Reading in Elementary.  Please reach out to laura.henry@teachersoftomorrow.org for specific instructions to enroll in the AIM course and utilize the grant provided.  In order to utilize the grant, all enrollments must occur prior to August 31, 2024.  Teachers of Tomorrow will not be able to pay for the AIM course after that date.  

b.                 No - The new INTL 701 will launch in April of 2024 and will prepare you for the new Science of Teaching requirements.  You should wait to enroll in the course until after April 24, 2024.  You will not need to take the AIM course.