Once the Intern has completed their FBE requirements, secured employment in their certifiable area, updated their employment information, updated their payment options for the Program Fees, and has their Temporary Teaching License, they are ready to be moved into Hired Status - or Phase 2.

  • Review the remaining requirements with the Intern
    1. Complete Classroom Readiness Training
    2. Complete Excellence in Teaching and Learning
    3. Complete Projects
    4. Take and submit required exams (some exemptions are available for the exams)
      • General Knowledge Exam exemptions (GK)
        • Has a master’s degree
        • Has attempted/failed the General Knowledge Exam, but has three years of support and instruction after failing.  The Educator must be rated Effective or Highly Effective for the most recent three years – The district must complete the CT-134 Waiver
      • Professional Education Exam exemptions
        • Can be waived with a Highly Effective rating on the most recent final summative evaluation for those who completed an EPI on or after 7/1/2021
      • Subject Area Exam (SAE)
        • Master’s or higher degrees in the corresponding subject area shall satisfy the subject area exam requirement for subjects requiring only a bachelor’s degree for which a Florida subject area exam has been developed.
    5. Observation and Field Supervisor Recommendation – this will be completed once the Intern has completed their requirements with their Field Supervisor.  
    6. Principal Recommendation
      • The Intern will need to send their principal’s name, email address, and school/campus information.  Once received, be sure that the information matches up with their current Job Form, if it does not, request the Intern to update their Job Form.  This may also require them to submit a Verification of Employment for approval. 
      • Once received, we will send the Principal Recommendation information to the Certification Team to send the form needed to the Principal listed.
      • Once the Certification Team receives the completed form, with the option to certify checked, they will update the Interns Portal.

Next Step: Program Completion