The changes affecting advisors in this sprint release include a bug fix to the re-offer of admission duplicate email that was being sent to the enroll folder, Ohio IPTI path can now offer admission through Prince and interns can pay via portal to get started, Ohio PDI path enrollment agreements have been added to the portal as well as specific menu items in the portal enabled.
TX,NC,MI - Bug Fix
When interns offered of admission expired and they submitted a request to extend their offer of admission a duplicate email was being sent to the enroll folder for each state when the advisor would re-offer admission. This bug has been fixed and advisors should no longer come across requests to extend an offer of admission for someone who was just re-offered.
Ohio - Offer of Admission and Portal Updates
IPTI- The offer of admission button is now working for candidates pursuing the IPTI path as long as their training track is added and they have completed the admission assessment. The advisor can offer admission via the contract tool and should see the total amount of the program populated
Once the candidate is offered admission they will receive an offer of admission email that looks like this
Next, the intern will log into their portal to accept their offer, sign their enrollment agreement and statement of academic integrity and pay their program fee.
Once the intern has paid, they will have limited access to their portal until future updates are made.
The menu tab will have links to their training progress so they can access and get started along with their program docs and job profile link.
PDI - payment for the PDI path has not been updated during this sprint. It is important for advisors to continue to have candidates pay manually FIRST before we offer them admission. Once the candidate has paid manually, then the advisor can offer them admission to the program using the contract tool of the Prince account. The candidate will then receive an email with their offer of admission indicating the PDI path.
They can then sign off on their enrollment agreement and statement of academic integrity to get access to their portal.