All Interns enrolling in ToT after 7/1/2023 must complete Field-Based Experience hours.
- 60 hours must be completed in Phase 1 for Interns entering the ToT after 7/1/2023.
- Florida Senate Bill 2524 requires all interns enrolled after 7/1/2023 to complete at least 60 hours of field-based experiences (FBEs). The intern should read the information needed to submit their field-based experience requirements accurately. This can be located in the Intern's Portal under Field-Based Experience>add field-based experience.
- If the enrollment date falls before 7/1/2023, the intern is not required to complete FBEs. However, to solidify the knowledge you gain through your coursework and develop professional relationships with local schools, you may consider spending some time completing field-based experiences. If you choose to complete FBEs, please read the requirements in your Intern Portal
There are two types of FBEs:
Interactive (In-Person): Completed in a state-accredited public or private school
- Must be a minimum of 45 clock hours
- Must take place in a variety of challenging environments including, but not limited to high-poverty, urban, and rural schools.
- Must take place in your area/areas of concentration with a teacher certified in those areas.
- To assist the Intern with gaining access to Florida campuses for observations, a letter is provided in the Intern’s Portal to download.
Online/Electronic Submission: Completed through Teachers of Tomorrow, in the Interns Canvas course FLCR 000
- Maximum of 15 clock hours
Submission Requirements:
- Submit each day separately
- Submit no more than 6 hours per school day
- Connect your reflection to specific coursework
- Keep each reflection unique
- Use your supervision teacher’s official school email address for verification