Teach North Carolina is a resource available to anyone considering teaching as a career in North Carolina.  It provides a full suite of strategic recruitment activities including a robust communications campaign, a comprehensive website encompassing all existing resources in the state, and 1-on-1 personalized support for teacher candidates. 

Some of the key resources available to our candidates include 

  • $100 reimbursement on application/enrollment costs  
  • Financial aid and scholarship opportunities 
  • Articles and videos about teaching 
  • Free prep for teaching tests 
  • Connections to locate teaching programs! 

It is FREE to create an account! 


$100 Reimbursement on Application/Enrollment Costs:  

  • Once the candidate has enrolled and paid their enrollment fee they can submit an application to TeachNC for reimbursement up to $100.  
  • The candidate will need to provide proof of enrollment (Admission Letter) 
  • The candidate will need to provide proof of payment (Invoice for enrollment fee paid) 
    • This can be downloaded from their My Payments screen of their intern portal under "Paid Invoices" 

  • They get reimbursed via Paypal or Venmo only 


Talking Points: 

"Our partner TeachNC provides free support to anyone thinking about becoming a teacher. When you sign up, you get perks like up to $100 back in fee reimbursements towards expenses related to applying to our program, and a chance to win a $1,000 scholarship! Create a free TeachNC account here."