Ohio Teachers of Tomorrow has 2 types of programs: IPTI and PDI. This article will review the pathway to completion for the PDI.
PDI is required to transition from the Alternative Resident Educator License (RE) to the five-year Professional License.
Professional Development Institute: For teachers already in the classroom on an RE License
- Complete an online application at www.teachersoftomorrow.org/ohio/apply
- Must be employed and teaching in an Ohio School/District on a valid Alternative Resident Educator License (RE) - Service Record required and copy of their Alternative Resident Educator License.
- Must have completed the IPTI or Alternative Resident Educator Institute program (elsewhere) - A completion letter is required for IPTI or Alternative Resident Educator Institute
- Passing Scores on a subject area assessment and the Foundations of Reading Exam, if required. - We want them to have their official score report sent to us for reporting purposes if they didn't select us as a provider when they initially signed up to take the test.
Offer of Admission: Once candidates meet admission requirements they will pay either $2,700 in full or $3,300 over 10 monthly payments. There is no separate enrollment fee. Just program fees.
Program Requirements:
- Complete four learning modules and associated projects with a score of 80% or higher proficiency
- Successful completion of the 3 semester hour reading in the content area requirement, or official transcript from an accredited college or university reflecting 3 semester hours of Teaching of Reading in the Content Area for all subject areas
- Successful completion of the 3 semester hour phonics courses or official transcript from an accredited college or university reflecting 3 semester hours of Teaching of Phonics - this requirement is for Integrated Language Arts Licensure or intervention Specialist licensure.
- Certificate of Completion is issued upon completion of all requirements
Document Retention Requirements (must maintain under the documents tab of Prince)
- Completed online application
- Evidence of successful completion of all components of the IPTI or Alternative Resident Educator Institute (AREI)
- Evidence of valid Ohio Department of Education issued Alternative Resident Educator License
- Evidence of passing scores on the appropriate subject area assessment and OEE 090 Foundations of Reading Exam (If required by licensure area)
- Evidence of continuous employment on the Alternative Resident Educator License
- TOT transcript of coursework modules completed
- Copy of Certificate of Completion