Ohio Teachers of Tomorrow has 2 types of programs: IPTI and PDI.  This article will review the pathway to completion for the IPTI.  

IPTI - Intensive Pedagogical Training Institute is the pathway for candidates who want to become teachers and are not currently in the classroom.  Not a teacher yet, but want to become one.  


  1. Candidates must obtain an Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) Confirmation Registration Letter in order to enroll in our program.  For information on how to obtain this letter they may visit the ODHE webiste here
  2. Take and Pass Content Tests as outlined from the evaluation letter form ODHE 
  3. Request Confirmation Registration Letter from ODHE 


  1.  Apply on our website www.teachersoftomorrow.org/ohio 
  2. Send their Confirmation Registration Letter from the ODHE to [email protected]
  3. Send their unofficial transcripts to [email protected] 
    • We require a bachelor's degree with a 2.5 GPA or higher or a master's degree with a 3.0 GPA or higher

Once we have received their Confirmation Registration Letter from the ODHE attach it to the documents tab of the candidate's Prince account.  

Offer Admission: 

  1. Once candidates have been offered admission they will make a one-time payment of $695 to enroll.  This is ALL they will pay with us for the IPTI path and will cover all coursework and completion documents. 

Program Requirements:

  1. Candidates have 6 months to complete the coursework/program.  If at 6 months they have  not completed their coursework we will discharge them from the program.  
  2. There are 4 modules and associated projects they will complete via their portal that require an 80% or higher proficiency.  
  3. Once they have completed their coursework we will provide them with a certificate of completion.  

The candidate will provide their certificate of completion to the ODHE to receive a Statement of Eligibility.  They can use their SOE to apply and get hired.  Once hired is when they will apply for their Alternative Resident Educator License (RE).  RE license is valid for 2 years with the option to extend for 2.