Who is Calling? 

  • Someone who is curious about the program and just starting to learn but is not committed to the change yet.  They are looking for validation of information, and have not submitted an application yet. 
  • Someone who is not trusting enough to complete an application
  • Someone who is shopping other programs and has not made up their mind yet 

The Goal: 

The goal of this call structure is to help advisors learn more about the lead, what their motivation is, their needs, and goals.  The advisor should actively listen, provide support, and share value through our one-pagers.  

Call Structure: 

Thank you for calling (State) Teachers of Tomorrow, this is XXXXXX, how can I help you?  

Have you had a chance to apply on our website? 

  • If No, move right to Role Articulation (do not attempt to verify the account) 
  • If Yes, verify the account with last name and email 

Role Articulation: 

"My role as your enrollment advisor today will be to take some time to get to know you and your goals as well as share some insights into our program structure and financial plan.  What questions were on your mind today that you were hoping we'd discuss?" 

Agenda: (Adjust your agenda based on the questions the intern has indicated) 

"Wonderful, we will cover our program structure and what to expect within the two phases of our program, what our support looks like throughout your time with us, as well as the financial plan.  I'd like to start by getting to know you a bit better so I can tailor our conversation to your needs." 

"So tell me, what has you thinking about pursuing your teaching certification?"  

Follow the Initial Call Structure 

Temperature Checks! How does all of this sound so far? 

Offer Support: 

Help them to complete the application!

  • Walk them through the application while on the phone with them.  It only takes a few minutes! 
  • Once complete, try and find their profile in Prince. 
    • If found make clear and thorough notes 
      • Example: Walked candidate through how to apply. Candidate's goal is to be teaching by August and was inspired by their time as a substitute to pursue their certification.  They want to teach elementary school and will request their transcripts today! Advised on phase I and II requirements and encouraged intern start looking at test prep provided by the state. 

Help them order transcripts or walk them through how. 

If the intern is unavailable to complete the application or still not sure:

  • Make an appointment to see when they would like to walk through with you.  
  • Schedule a follow up 
  • Send a follow-up email with link to application 

"I Know we have covered a lot today, how does this program sound relative to your goals?" 

"What other questions do you have?" 

"How can I support your goal of becoming a teacher?" 

"What is preventing you from moving forward with the application?"