- Amendments to certificates occur when a candidate on an active certificate has a teaching assignment change.
- Advisors should never offer an amendment or suggest it as an alternative to an intern switching certification areas.
- If an intern is certified, and their teaching assignment is changing, the advisor should always reach out to certification support as soon as possible to let them know.
- A certificate may be amended within a certain number of days of the teaching assignment change. The amount of time is case-specific.
- Amendments are case-specific and what applies to one intern's situation may not apply to another.
- Amendments can only occur with an assignment change and the submission of a new statement of eligibility.
- Amendments are prepared by TOT cert support and submitted to TEA for approval. Approval is NOT guaranteed.
Certification support is here to support our advisors on questions pertaining to amendments. When in doubt, reach out to certification support for the answer regarding a certificate amendment.