Goal: Our goal is for a call back.
Formula for Success: Tone, call to action and value to return call as well as same day request
Introduction Voicemail:
"Hi XXXXXX This is XXXXX from (State) ToT , we received your application and we are excited for the opportunity to get to know you and your goals of teaching as well as set up a plan for success. Please give me a call back today at XXX-XXXX so we can discuss your next steps. Thanks, and have a wonderful day."
Offer of Admission Voicemail:
If you've never spoken to the candidate: "Hi XXXXXX, this is XXXXX from (State) ToT , I've got some exciting updates regarding your admission that I'd love to review with you today as well as help you unlock Phase 1 of the program, please give me a call at XXX-XXXX. We look forward to speaking with you soon.
Missing Documents:
VM if you've never spoke but received docs: "Hi XXXXXX, this is XXXXX from (State) ToT, I've got some exciting updates I want to discuss with you so please give us a call back at XXX-XXXX so we can help you get one step closer to your goals"
VM if you've spoken: "Hi XXXXX, this is XXXX from TOT (state), I've got some exciting updates regarding your file and how we can leverage our (value prop/differentiator-flexibility, resources, etc) to reach your goals. Please give us a call back at XXX-XXXX, we look forward to speaking with you soon.
Follow-up call after several attempts with no success:
Hi XXXXXXX This is XXXXX from ToT (State), it looks like we may be trying to reach you at an inopportune time, please give us a call back today to inform of us of the best time to reach you regarding important account information. We can be reached at XXX-XXXX. We look forward to speaking with you soon.