Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Services is an entity within Texas Workforce Solutions.  

Texas Workforce Solutions is completely open to the public to assist with job placement.  We do NOT do business with Workforce Solutions.  

We do, however, work directly with Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation services that assists individuals with disabilities in finding employment.  

We are an authorized vendor with Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation service since payments are handled by a separate financial institution from Texas Workforce Solutions as a whole.  

If an intern indicates they are using Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) to fund their enrollment and program fees please follow the steps below:

  1. Advisor should clarify they are using TWC Vocational Rehabilitation Services and NOT Texas Workforce Solutions.  
    • Workforce solutions is the parent agency. However, if the intern you are working with does not have a disability then they are not eligible to have payment made on their behalf.  
  2. The advisor will need to collect the TWC counselor's name, email and phone number and send it to [email protected] indicating that the applicant/intern wants to use TWC vocational rehabilitation services to fund their enrollment and program fees.  
  3. AR will then send a cost obligation form to the TWC counselor 
  4. TWC counselor then sends a service authorization letter back to ToT AR department indicating what they will pay for the intern.  
    1. At this point the intern can be offered admission to the program 
      • AR will let the enrollment team know by emailing the respective inbox, [email protected] or [email protected]
      • At this time, the intern can accept their admission offer and the payment page will be bypassed because AR will mark the account in the sponsorship manager as sponsored by "TWC Vocational Rehab Services." 
  5. AR sends TWC an invoice 
  6. TWC pays invoice 
  7. Once funds are received, AR will leave a high-priority note in the account indicating what and how much is being paid for by TWC so that certification support can notify AR to apply the funds when they create the contract upon the intern getting hired.