The following article has helpful tips and talking points advisors can use to de-escalate interns over the phone.  

1.) Let the intern explode 

  • frustrated interns want to be heard.  Let the intern voice their concern, frustration, and uncertainty with the outcome of the review.  

2.) Listen Actively and acknowledge their concerns 

  • Provide short responses to their concerns and frustrations to let them know  you are listening and hearing their concerns 
    • "I understand" 
    • "Thank you for sharing your concerns with me" 
    • I understand you ____________." 

3.) Address their concerns with a talking point. 

  • "I hear your frustration and I want to help find a solution" 
  • "I can understand your frustration and I apologize for __________." 
  • "I can help 

4.) Provide a solution 

  • "What I can do today to help provide a solution is __________." 
  • "I have a few options I can review with you regarding your situation." 

5.) Never deny a supervisor call request 

  • I understand you are wanting to speak with a manager.  I would like to try and help you first if you will allow and if I can't, I will do my best to get you connected with a manager.  
  • If I am not able to help you, I can certainly connect  you with our supervisor 
  • I am happy to get you connected with a supervisor 

USA Method 

  • Start with an Understanding of the situation 
    • "I understand your exam is not showing up in Pearson for you to register for, is that correct?" 
  • Explain the Situation 
    • "I am in this position to talk to interns like yourself and it's my job to answer questions and fix problems.  Let's review what we can do for you to fix your situation." 
  • Explain the Action(s) you are going to take to solve the issue 
    • "I am going to contact _____, to ensure _________ issue gets resolved."  
    • "I can follow up on your account later today to ensure the issue has been resolved." 

Helpful Phrases to de-escalate: 

  1. I realize how frustrating this must be for you 
  2. It sounds like this has been a really challenging situation for you (empathize) 
  3. I can see your point on that 
  4. I respect your opinion 
  5. I agree. Regrettably, it is not possible for us to ______ in this instance because ______. 
  6. I know this is not the solution you are requesting, so let me review the options you have. 
  7. We have a few options available to you 
  8. Here is what I can do for you  
  9. I understand these are not the solutions you were hoping for, and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  
  10. I want to help you, we value your feedback and I want to find a solution.  
  11. I understand you are upset, but I kindly ask you to stop yelling/swearing, or I will ask you to call back again, I know we can find resolution calmly.  
  12. Unfortunately, we cannot ______, The state requires ______ .
  13. Unfortunately, we cannot ______, this requirement is regulated and required by _______.  
  14. I'm sorry for any misunderstanding this has caused 
  15. I'm sorry we did not deliver the level of service you expected.  Allow me to make it up to you by follow up next week (or later today etc.) 

If the intern is still wishing to speak to an advisor..

Please make sure to include the Intern ID and full name when sending to your lead.