What is it?
- A promotion targeting interns who have not been active to help reduce the teacher shortage
Who does it target?
- Interns in PAID status for ALL States who have not logged in within the last 6 months
- As of 11/13/2023 we are expanding the target audience to interns who have not logged in within the last 3 months.
When does it begin?
- 10/23/2023
When is the deadline?
- Interns must opt-in prior to 12/15/2023 and they must complete all requirements before 1/31/2024
Finish Line Promotion – All States
Effective 10/23/2023, Teachers of Tomorrow will communicate a new promotion to interns who are enrolled in the program, not hired, and have not logged in within the last 6 months and as of 11/10/23 within the last 3 months. The objective of this promotion is to engage with interns who have not been active to help reduce the teacher shortage!
Due to this promotion being restricted to a specific population, do not proactively promote or offer this promotion to interns, they must receive the email directly from Teachers of Tomorrow and take action as outlined in the email.
Should you receive questions, details are provided below so that you can best answer the questions.
Eligible interns will receive 20% off their Program Fees if all criteria are met.
Summary of eligibility:
Has not logged after 4/18/2023 (6 months ago)
Enrolled in the Program in “Paid” status
Opt-in using the opt-in link prior to meeting all requirements for Hire (the (1) “Right Now! Before Employment” AND (2) “Once You Have a Job” sections of the “What’s Next Checklist” AND by 12/15/2023*.
Complete those required sections by 1/31/2024 (active contact in Prince)
* Interns who opt in after meeting the requirements will not receive the discount.
Prince / Intern Portal Changes
How will I know if an intern received the promotion?
In the notes section of Prince, a High Priority note will be displayed “Intern received Finish Line promotional offer. See KB for more details about intern eligibility and requirements to redeem the offer.”
How will I know if an intern has opted into the promotion?
In the notes section of Prince, a High Priority note will be automatically added within 24 hours of the intern opting in to receive the promotion. The note will read as follows:
Intern opt-in for Finish Line Promotion - 20% off program fees. Refer to KB for T&Cs and eligibility. Discount will be applied at time of contract creation.
How will the 20% discount be applied?
Initially, the Certification Support team will add the 20% discount when they complete the contract creation process. An update will be conducted and communicated in late December to alert the process is automated.
Will the intern see the promotional discount?
The intern’s balance will be reduced by 20% when the contract is created by Certification Support initially. Future enhancements will display the discount to the intern.
What do I do if I don’t see the promotional discount applied?
Review the What’s Next Checklist.
Confirm that all of the items in the Right Now! Before Employment” AND (2) “Once You Have a Job” are marked as complete.
If any of these items are not complete, the intern has not met the eligibility requirements. No discount will be applied. Inform the intern about the eligibility requirements.
If these are complete, go to Step 2.
If these are all complete, review the notes. Did the intern opt-in by 12/15/2023?
If not, the intern did not opt-in and therefore is not eligible for the promotion. Inform the intern that they did not complete the opt-in process which is required for eligibility.
If the intern did opt-in, go to Step 3.
Great! They meet the criteria! The promotion will be applied when the Cert Support team completes the final process and establishes the contract.
If the contract is created and a discount is not applied to the program fee balance, send to your manager for review first.
Manager will review the account in detail to confirm all requirements were met. If not, then send to Cert Support operations queue for review.
** More updates will be shared as system enhancements are made available for internal automation.
The landing page for those who qualify will look like the following: