Outbound calls will be auto-dialed from Five9 to interns who have completed requirements to earn their SOE. The purpose of these calls is to Congratulate them on finishing their phase I requirements, find out if they have a job, and review steps to earn their intern certificate.
These calls will appear in Five9 as "SOE Eligible" and should give you a 2-minute warning before the call is made.
Below are some talking points you can use to help guide your conversations.
Prior to the Call:
- Confirm SOE is populating in the intern’s portal
- Check job profile to see if they have filled it out.
- Check to see if they have already filled out their “I’ve got a job form.”
- Check to see if we already have an SOE back from the district attached in the Documents tab
- Check for any employment processing notes from Certification Support
- Check to see if they have already applied and paid for their intern certificate through TEA
- Check to see if they have established payment for their program fees
Adjust your talking points depending on what the intern has already completed.
Talking Points:
Hello XXXXXX! My name is XXXXXXX and I am a program advisor with Texas Teachers. I am calling to go over your next steps, is now a good time?
Before we get started, can I verify your account with your first and last name and email address?
First, I want to congratulate you on completing all your phase one requirements! Way to go! You have done a lot of hard work this far. You are officially eligible for hire and your next step is to earn your intern certificate.
Have you already been hired or are you currently job hunting?
If intern has been hired:
That is wonderful! Congratulations on the job! Let’s review the steps you’ll need to complete so we can recommend you for your intern certificate.
Submit SOE to your HR department for them to fill out and send back to us
- Review SOE location in the portal if needed.
Submit I’ve got a job form in the portal.
- Review location if needed.
Apply and pay for an intern certificate through TEA and emphasize “A+ Texas Teachers” as the entity.
- Send follow up email with instructions on how as follow up
Review - Once SOE is processed by our Certification support team is when we provide access to establish payment for their program fees.
- Review pay in full option or 10 monthly payment option via credit card or ACH Withdrawal
What questions do you have about your next steps to earn your intern certificate?
I want to also touch on your intern year requirements once you start teaching and where those requirements are located in your portal.
- Review what’s next checklist
- Review PPR review, PPR exam Supplemental courses and internship project
- Highlight support from field supervisor
- Congratulations again on getting hired!
If intern has not been hired:
Job Profile: (If complete, skip to Job Resources)
When is your goal to be teaching in the classroom by? (Districts hire throughout the entire year.)
I see you haven’t had a chance to fill out your job profile yet in your intern portal, would you like me to update that now for you?
What are some of the preferred districts that you want to work for?
- Proceed to fill in desired start date for teaching and list the intern’s favorite districts via their portal for them.
Are you willing to relocate?
- Indicate in intern portal under job profile
Your Job profile will help us get your name and information to your preferred districts when they are needing to hire a candidate for your certification area. Thanks for providing that info it will be helpful in getting you hired!
Job resources:
What job resources are you using for your job search?
- Review location of job resources on our website under the Resources tab in their portal
- Resume review
- Job Fairs
- Job Search tool
Steps once hired:
Submit SOE to your HR department for them to fill out and send back to us
- Review SOE location in portal if needed.
Submit I’ve got a job form in portal.
- Review location if needed.
Apply and pay for intern certificate through TEA, highlight “A+ Texas Teachers” as the entity.
- Send follow up email with instructions as follow up
Review - Once SOE is processed by our Certification support team is when we provide access to establish payment for their program fees.
- Review pay in full option or 10 monthly payment option via credit card or ACH withdrawal
What questions do you have about our job resources?
I want to also touch on your intern year requirements once you start teaching and where those requirements are located in your portal.
- Review what’s next checklist phase II requirements location
- Review PPR review, PPR exam Supplemental courses and internship project
- Highlight support from field supervisor
- Congratulations again on getting hired!
Is there anything thing else that I can help you with?
We are so thrilled to partner with you to get you certified. I know you are going to make a difference in so many children’s lives. If there is any assistance you need in your job search please don’t hesitate to reach out!