Sprint Release 91 - 09.27.23 @7pm 

The changes affecting advisors in this sprint release include the option for interns to remove a test in approved status for TX.  Also for TX when an intern requests an exam approval and they already have 3 test areas approved, prince will prevent a 4th from being added/Eligible.  For all states a new email is now being sent to interns once the contract is created with information about their payment selection.   



Email communication with payment selection

Test Approval Request Changes – Adding Remove Option


Email communication with payment selection (All States) 

Once our certification support team creates the contract for an intern a new email communication is sent out to interns indicating the amount of the of the contract and the payment method the intern selected.   Below are some examples of these emails.  

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Test Approval Request Changes - TX 

Adding Remove Option (TX)

TX Interns will now be able to remove an exam from the approved section of their intern portal.   Moving forward, advisors no longer need to collect the manual approval/removal PDF, and instead, direct interns to remove the exam from the test tab in their intern portal by clicking the “Remove” button.   

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This will remove the exam from the intern’s portal as well as in the advisor portal under the tests tab.   

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3 Exam Approval Limit – TX 

If the intern (In Paid Status) has 3 exams in either Eligible or Approved status in their portal, Prince will not allow the intern to select a 4th exam approval.   The intern will receive the following message: “You already have 3 test areas that you are approved or eligible for as listed above.  Please remove a test if you would like to pursue a new one.” 

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Test Approval Email after Test Prep Completion 

If the intern completes test prep for one of their “Eligible” exams, it will move the test to “Approved” status and send the intern an automated email advising the intern has been approved for the exam.  

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