Excellence in Teaching and Learning Training (ETLT) is a phase II requirement for the Michigan Teachers of Tomorrow program.  

This training is more specific to the intern's endorsement area and is recommended to be completed during their first year on an Interim Teaching Certificate (ITC).  It is required to be complete by the end of their 3 years on an ITC to qualify for a standard certificate.  

Location: Intern Portal 

Menu> training Progress> Excellence In Teaching and Learning 

Interns are only required to complete one methods course for the endorsement area issued on their ITC.  If the intern has multiple methods courses listed for endorsement areas they are not pursing, the advisor is allowed to remove the other methods courses not pertaining to the intern's ITC.  

For Example: 

Intern is pursing visual arts which is a K-12 endorsement area.  However, under their ETLT tab they have methods courses listed for Art, Dance, Health etc.  

The intern is ONLY required to complete the methods course for Art K-12.  If it apeases the intern,  you may remove the others from the Training tab of the advisor portal by clicking the X next to the course.