In order to prove time taught has been met, the MDOE requires a Work Experience Form be provided for each place of employment the intern taught at on an ITC.
Attached to this article you will find both the MI Work Experience Form and the MI Work Experience form for SPED.
To Verify Time Taught, the Advisor should take the following steps:
- Send the work experience form to the intern via email. Use the email template in five 9 titled "MI - Work Experience Form Request," and be sure to attach the PDF of the form.
- The intern will need to have a district representative like their principal or HR rep fill out the form
- The district representative sends it directly back to us at [email protected]
- Upon receiving the form the advisor should check it to confirm the following:
- Form came directly from district rep
- If the form came directly from a district representative, the advisor will send it directly over to our certification support team at [email protected] for review.
- The advisor should not determine the correctness of the form or its contents and leave that to our certification specialist to determine.
- Certification support will process the form and attach it under the documents tab as "time taught" and will make a note about the intern's time taught totals.