The Michigan content exams are called the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification also known as the MTTC exams.
Most MTTC content exams are administered through Pearson, a 3rd party test administration company.
Testing or passing an MTTC exam(s) is the primary requirement for all interns as part of phase I of the program. Interns will take and pass the corresponding content exam(s) to their endorsement area pursued. (See Endorsement Areas/Grade Bands) A passed MTTC exam is valid for 5 years. See MTTC Validity Acceptance Request for exceptions.
For Example: if the intern is pursuing secondary social studies as their endorsement areas, they will take the 084 Social Studies (Secondary) exam through Pearson.
Pearson Website for the MTTC exams:
The Test List:
Located under the TEST tab on the top center tool bar of the Pearson website.
here you will find a list of ALL MTTC exams offered. Keep in mind that Michigan Teachers of Tomorrow does not certify in all areas.
The advisor can use our endorsement area list to locate the corresponding exam.
If the intern wants to certify in Lower Elementary PK-3 they will take the corresponding 117-120 Lower elementary subtests
Selecting the Lower Elementary (PK-3) exams will allow the advisor to view general testing information specific to that exam. This includes the testing format, passing score, length of exam, number of questions, cost of the exam, test dates and more.
All MTTC exams administered by Pearson will require a passing score of a 220