Interns are required to complete fingerprinting before they start teaching on their intern certificate. Some interns may have already completed fingerprinting if they have previously worked on a school campus. If they have already completed it, they do not need to complete it again.
For interns who need to complete fingerprinting for the first time:
- When they apply for their intern certificate they are prompted immediately after to apply and pay for their fingerprinting. See the attachement in article "Steps to apply for an intern certificate."
- If an intern is having trouble with their fingerprinting or setting up their fingerprints, the advisor should send them the email template titled "TX - Fingerprinting"
- The email template has links to the TEA website where they can locate FAQs as well as a tutorial video on how to complete their fingerprints.
For more information on fingerprinting with an instructional video, please refer to the TEA website here.
Additional fingerprinting FAQs can be located at the TEA help desk.
Fingerprints Completed in TEA look like this: (Can be located under Request Status Tab or Fingerprint Status Tab in TEA)
"In Progress" status means the intern has applied and paid, but has not completed their fingerprinting yet.
"None" means the intern has not initiated the fingerprinting process.