Sprint Release 07.19.23 @7pm
Changes affecting advisors for this sprint release include bug fixes to case sensitivity on the FBE form, 12-hour limit per teacher on FBE form submission, and test re-approval not needing the minimum 15 hour FBE requirement. Additionally, updates to our Late hire messaging and process have been updated in the intern portal, advisor portal and on the SOE.
Bug fix - email case sensitivity on FBE form
Bug fix - 12 hour limit per teacher on FBE form
Bug fix - test re-approval not needing FBEs
Late Hire messaging in Advisor Portal, Intern Portal and on SOE
Bug Fix – email case sensitivity on FBE form and 12 hour limit per teacher
Previously, interns were able to submit multiple FBE forms totaling more than 12 hours by changing the letter cases of the observed teacher’s email address. This was a bug that allowed interns to bypass the 12 hour per teacher limit for in person, interactive FBEs.
Now, IT has fixed the bug and even if the intern submits multiple FBEs with the same email address regardless of the letter case, the system will catch it and prevent them from submitting more than 12 hours per teacher.
Bug fix – Test re-approval not needing 15-hour FBE requirement
Previously, interns were being prevented from requesting re-approval for an exam they had already taken without their 15 hours of FBEs being complete. This bug has been fixed and they can now request re-approval without their 15 hours being completed.
Late Hire messaging in Advisor Portal, Intern Portal and on SOE
When an intern is late hire eligible there is new messaging under the Enrollment Letter/SOE tab in prince indicating their late hire expiration date.
Additionally, messaging on the What's next checklist will appear as "You are eligible to be considererd "Late Hire" by passing your content exam and securing employment with your first date of instruction occuring between now and XX/XX/XX (Insert date). Once hired, you will be issued your intern Certificate. During your first 90 days of employment y ou will need to complete your Field Based Experience hours and Coursework to remain in compliance."
There is also new messaging on the SOE for late hire eligible interns, indicating their late hire expiration date.
Late Hire indication in the Advisor Portal
When an Intern is late hire eligible the late hire box will check off on the main account page of the advisor portal. This box will remain checked during the intern’s 45-day window of late hire eligibility. Once that 45-day period has expired, the box will no longer be checked off
If the intern is hired as a late hire, their account indication will be located in the contract tool under employment. It is indicated as “Late Hire Verified” = Yes to the far right under Employment.