Any requests from a district representative should go to our client success and engagement team.  Advisors can send communication to interns but if they are requesting that the advisor communicate directly with a district representative on their behalf, the advisor should send that request over to our client success and engagement team. 

If a district representative emails the teach folder asking for information about the intern please send that request over to our client success and engagement team to respond. 

Additionally, advisors can provide the district hotline and email address for our client success and engagement team directly to the district representative.  Never to the intern.  

If the district representative calls in on our main line the advisor should always transfer that call over the correct skill in five 9. 

Five 9 Skills for Client Success and Engagement: 








District Hotline: 877.342.1202

Emails for Client Sucess and Engagement Team 

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]