The Climb Credit Portal is used to track candidates progress through the climb credit approval process. Advisors and Certification will use this portal to track and verify approved candidates for a loan through climb credit for their program fees.
Step 1: To track an intern's progress through the climb credit portal for approval of their program fees you will first navigate to their site,
Step 2: enter you email address and press "Send magic link."
Step 3: A link to our TOT Climb portal will be sent to your email address. Copy and paste the URL into a new tab in chrome. Do not click directly on the link.
Once you have successfully logged in to the Climb Credit Portal it should look like this.
Each tab under "Applications" will provide insight to where the candidate is at in the approval process.
- In progress - intern has applied but has not been immediately approved. Meaning they most likely need to re-apply with a co-borrower or provide addtional documents for Climb to then move forward with the approval process.
- Approved - These are candidates who applied and received approval for their loan. Interns have 30 days to accept their loan approval.
- Accepted - These are candidates who accepted their loan and sign off on their loan documents/agreements
- Ready to Verify - These are candidates who have been approved and accepted their loan agreement and are now waiting on us to verify so that we can update their prince account with program fees paid and climb can then send us the funds.
Once in Ready to Verify status, Certification Support will verify the intern meets requirements for approval. i.e. job form and hire info verified, do we have all necessary documents to recommend or approve certification etc.
Once Certification Support has verified the intern and employment and click on "Verify," the intern will move to the Enrolled section of the portal.