In regards to your next steps, please setup a MOECS account (Michigan Online Educator Certification System) and apply for the Interim Teaching Certificate for the Michigan Department of Education. You will need your Intern ID to apply which is MIXXXXXX. Once you’ve applied for the Interim Teaching Certificate, we will have to manually go into the system and recommend you. Please notify us once you have applied and we will release the next step of establishing your payment plan for the program and send you instructions for that step. Once this has been completed and we have been notified, our Certification team can issue your recommendation.

After recommendation, you will receive an email from MDE stating we have recommended you and you will receive instructions on how to pay the $160 for your Interim and will have to get your Interim notarized. After your ITC is notarized, please inform us so we can verify everything is correct in the system and can update your file here for you.

You will first need to create an account on MOECS by selecting Login Assistance. Save your MEIS number in a safe place as you will need it to move forward in the application process. 

Once you are finished with the registration process, you will be able to choose “Apply or Renew” from your home page.

Follow the steps on screen to get to the following:

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On the next page, you will be able to select Elementary or Secondary. If you are pursuing a K12 endorsement, that is considered Secondary for this purpose.

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Please be sure to select “No” to the question “Have you completed an approved elementary or secondary teacher preparation program that included student teaching” or else you will not be able to move forward correctly. 

Continue to follow the steps on screen in order to successfully apply for your Interim Teaching Certificate.