For interns retaking either the 391 Core Subjects EC-6 and/or the 211 Core Subjects 4-8, please reference Pearson's Retake Policy for these exams on their website here.
Please note:
The score for the interns best attempt on each subject exam is retained, so a candidate retaking the overall exam does not need to respond to questions in subject exams previously passed. This applies to TExES Core Subjects (211 and 391) exams, as well as the TX PACT Essential Academic Skills (700) exam.
When communicating with interns on the retake policy please always reference the Pearson policy from their website. Also, be sure to communicate specifically that the intern does not need to respond to questions in subject exams they have previously passed.
Do Not Advise: "You don't need to focus on those, or you can click through those..." (this verbiage is vague and not specific enough to indicate that the intern does not need to respond to questions in subject exams previously passed).