Occasionally we have deaf and hard of hearing interns who want more information regarding test exemption from a TExES exam. TEA has more information regarding the process located on their website.  

Educator Testing

Here the intern will find a section titled "Deaf and Hard of Hearing Test Exemption Information."  

The intern should download the instructions, the application and the audiologist form.  

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Test Exemption Instructions 

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Test Exemption Application

Audiologist Report Form  

Once the application and audiologist report form have been completed and signed, they will submit it directly to TEA using the link below. 

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Temporary Exemption Requests

Should the intern need additional guidance they will need to submit a help desk ticket with TEA 

TEA Help Desk - Educator Testing 

Please Note: Deaf and hard of hearing interns will still be required to complete our required online training, their field based experience and provide proof of approval from TEA of test exemption to receive a manual SOE.  As always, reach out to Certification Support for any manual SOE requests.