North Carolina Pilot  


Our Goal is to inspire 10 interns who have signed their contract to establish payment via Climb Credit and educate them on the offer and encourage them to apply for financing for their program fees through Climb Credit.   


Climb Credit is a new payment option we are piloting in North Carolina as an alternative way for interns to pay their program fees.   


Hi Intern,  


My name is XXXXXXX and I am calling from North Carolina Teachers! How are you?  First, I want to congratulate you on getting hired! We know you will do great things in the classroom and impact so many children’s lives.   


I am calling to let you know about a new partnership we have with Climb Credit.   Our new partnership with Climb Credit will allow for lower monthly payments and flexible payment terms to payback your program fees.    It’s free to apply with them and 95% of applicants get an instant decision.   

How it works, is you will apply directly with Climb Credit to have your program fees financed through them.  When approved, they pay us your balance in full and you make monthly payments to them.  


Would you like me to send you an email with more information on how to apply for program fee financing?   


Additional Talking Points:  

  • Climb Credit offers full support for questions via their chat feature on their website,, or via email at [email protected] 

  • There is no impact to the interns credit score to apply  

  • No pre-payment penalties if they pay off earlier than the loan terms.