In the event the applicant has test approvals, previous test attempts, certificate requests or certificates issued through a program that is no longer open please follow the procedures below to advance them through the enrollment process.  

SBEC removed exams can be an indicator that the intern was previously in an educator prep program. So can previously issued certificates or requests for certificates.   

Advisor should 

1.) Ask the intern what previous program they were previoulsy enrolled in.  

2.) Next, check the TEA list of approved open programs (EPP List on active programs

  • If the program the applicant provided is NOT on the above list of TEA approved programs, it is no longer an active program and is closed. 

3.) If closed, notate the applicant's account that their former program is closed and that a transfer form is NOT required.  

4.) If open and active program from list, please move forward with requiring a transfer form.   

5.) If you are unsure, please reach out to certification support to request a review of the intern's TEA account to confirm their former program is closed.  

Please do not direct interns to TEA.  TEA will not confirm if a former program is closed, and they will not issue a transfer form on behalf of the closed program.  

Confirmed Closed Programs: (These are ones we have confirmed are closed but may not include all of them) 

ACT Houston

ACT Central Texas - Temple 


College of the Mainland (COMPACT)

A Career in Ed ACP

TX ACP Brownsville

Pasadena ISD EPP

Laredo Community College EPP