Sprint Release Changes 03.29.23 @ 7pm
Date: March 29th, 2023
The updates affecting advisors for this sprint release include changes to All States Intern portals on where program documents are stored, TX FBE automated emails are now going out to interns when FBE’s are denied, need more info or approved, and financing offered through GCEFCU has been cancelled for our Texas Program interns.
TX FBE automated emails ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..1
All States Program Documents ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
GCEFCU No longer offered ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
Update to TX Application ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4
TX FBE Automated Emails:
Moving forward, once our FBE team reviews interactive field-based experience submissions and either approves, denies or indicates the submission needs more information an automated email will go out to our interns letting them know. Please see below for examples of the different automated emails.
Example Approved:
Example Denied:
Example Needs More Info:
All States Program Documents:
Previously, the My progress overview page of the intern's portal reflected all documents that had been uploaded to an interns account from the advisor portal.
Example: University Transcripts, Exam Score Reports, Admission Offer, Intern agreement and Enrollment agreement etc.
Now, all program documents will be housed under a new link in the intern portal titled "Program Documents." This is found under the Menu tab.
In addition, for All states the TOT transcript will also be housed under the “Program Documents” link.
For TX, the Letter of Admission will also be housed under the new “Program Documents” link.
The old Admission Letter/Transcripts link was merged under the new “Program Documents” link.
GCEFCU No Longer Offered – TX :
As of 04/03/2023 TX interns will no longer have the option to select GCEFCU as a payment option through their portal when establishing payment.
What happens now?
Interns who are actively paying GCEFCU and their balance is zero with ToT – Nothing changes, they should continue to pay their monthly payments to the credit union.
Interns who applied to GCEFCU and are waiting for their ToT account to be updated – Nothing changes, the credit union will transfer the funds to us once approved. If the intern’s application is denied, they will need to select one of the available ToT payment options.
Interns who have not applied to GCEFU – The option to select the credit union as a payment method will no longer be displayed. However, interns can apply directly to GCEFCU or any other banking institution of their choice if they want to pay us in full. This is considered 3rd party financing and they will need to work with their bank directly to determine how the funds are transferred to ToT.
Update to TX Application:
Moving forward, interns applying to the Texas Program will be prompted to indicate whether they were a prior ACP candidate. The prompt will ask if it is their first time applying to a teacher prep program. The intern must uncheck the box if previously enrolled in another ACP.