Customer's will request refunds for various reasons.  There are specific reasons The Learning Liaisons would or would not grant a refund.  

Refund Approved: 

  1. Tech Issues: The videos do not work.  Tech Support tried to help, but it still doesn't work on their end.   
  2. The Customer accidently enrolled in the wrong course and they have not used it.  In this circumstance, the best procedure is to unenroll them in that course and manually enroll them in thhe correct course.  See Re-Start Course/Wrong Course
    • The Refund is approved if and when TLL does not have the prep course they need.  

Refund Not Approved: 

  1. We DO NOT refund anyone who did not cancel their subscriptions on time.  This occurs often.  TLL subscriptions are like any others (Netflix, Gym, etc.)  Unfortunately we cannot refund digitial courses.  If the intern forgot and paid a few extra months, we offer them the opportunity to reach back out if they need another test prep and we can add it to their account for free.  That usually makes the customer happy and provides a solution.  

If there are any other special circumstances a customer is requesting a refund that is not above, please reach out to your manager or trainer first to review the account.  If needed, they will get further approval based on the circumstances.  Refunds are on a case by case basis.    Be sure to provide details of the reason behind the request for refund. 

When a refund is approved, send the following information to [email protected] 

  • Customer's Name 
  • Customer's Email address 
  • Product Purchased (Be specific, was it a monthly subscription, was it a single course etc. and the course name if a single course) 
  • Dollar amount 

***If you give a refund, you MUST go into their account and "un-enroll" them from the course, bundle or subscription they have.***

Users> All Users> Seach name/email

Next click directly on their name to open their user details 



Then click on the 3 dots in the top right corner in the box containing their name 


Now select "Un-enroll from product." 

Select the corresponding product from the drop down menu and click "Un-enroll User"