Texas Teachers does certify in JROTC. There is not a certification exam to take, however interns pursuing this certification area will take the 160 PPR EC-12 exam. This route is for candidates who have military experience.
If the intern has previously taught on one or more Emergency Permits for JROTC they will follow the below process.
- They will NOT have to complete an internship year with us.
- The cost of the program will be $500 total. The enrollment fee is $299, and the remaining balance of $201 will be owed to ous before we can issue their standard certificate.
- They will need to provide a service record showing they taught a minimum of of 180 school days in the cert area of JROTC.
- The service record will count for both their required Field Based Experience and their Internship year of teaching.
- They will only be required to complete
- Required online courses
- Internship Project
- PPR Review
- PPR exam (160)
- Supplemental coursework
Often times, JROTC candidates have several years (more than 3) teaching on an emergency permit for JROTC. This is the ONLY area that one can teach on an emergency permit for more than 3 years. This will NOT disqualify them from the program.
If an intern has NOT taught on an emergency permit for JROTC, they will have to complete an intern year of teaching.
They will be required to complete the following
- 30 hours Field Based Experience
- Required online courses
- Teach for a year on an intern cert
- Internship project
- PPR review
- PPR exam (160)
- Supplemental Coursework
- Time taught = 180 school days
Cost of the program will align with our currrent pricing structure.