Sprint Release Changes
Date: February 15th, 2023 @7pm
The updates affecting advisors for this sprint include a bug fix to the Form RL for North Carolina Teachers, verbiage on the LOA and LOE documents for Indiana teachers is changing, and several changes to field based experience requirements for Texas are happening in the intern portal.
Form RL fix for North Carolina.………………………………………………………………………………………..1
LOA and LOE changes for Indiana ……………………………………………………………………………………2-3
Field-Based experience changes for Texas ………………………………………………………………………4
Form RL fix – North Carolina Teachers
Formatting and errors to the Form RL have been corrected, so that when the intern downloads their Form RL through their portal they see a normal formatted document.
LOA and LOE changes for Indiana
LOA changes:
- Disclaimer text has changed to reflect, “This document cannot be used to obtain a Permit/License for your internship year.”
- In the first sentence of the letter, it now just reflects, “Program” vs. “Indiana Teachers Program.”
- Change to eligibility statement now reflects, “Once employment is secured, you will receive a letter of Eligibility needed to issue your Permit License.”
LOE changes:
- LOE for Elementary Education Generalist (K-6) no longer displays address at the top of the letter.
- It now reads, To Whom it May Concern vs. addressing it to the specific intern previously
- LOE for Exceptional Needs: Mild Intervention (P-12); The permit name now shows as, “Alternative Special Education License”
- For every other LOE for different cert areas, it will show as “Transition to teaching permit.”
Field Based Experience Changes for Texas
Changes to the intern portal have been made under the Field Based Experience tab.
- Interactive Field Based Experience is the new term for In-person classroom observations.
- Online/Electronic submissions have been linked to this page so interns can access their online fbes directly from this page by clicking on the TCR000 link.
- Submission requirements have been bulleted for interactive field based experience so interns have a better of understanding of what is required and to lessen the number of fbe denials we do.
- A new FBE checklist is linked to provide specific requirements that must be met for each submission, FBE Checklist
Long Term Substitute Experience
- There is a new form linked to the portal that must be filled out by the intern and signed by their HR for verification of their long-term sub experience
- We are NO Longer requiring a VOE letter from their HR, intern must fill out our form and have it signed by their HR and emailed to [email protected]
- For the next two weeks, interns submitting long-term substitute experience will need to submit their 15 hours in 3 separate submissions. 6 hours, 6 hours, 3 hours. Reflections will need to be unique for each submission. On 03/02 changes will be made that will no longer require this and I will provide updates then.
- Adding Field Based Experience
- The new form only allows one FBE submission date at time
- A start time and end time must be listed
- Only up to 6 hours will be calculated at a time.
- New verbiage has been added to the bottom that includes “No parts copied from another reflection.”
Paraprofessionals/Teacher’s Aides Experience
- We are no longer requiring a VOE letter from their HR to verify employment. Interns will simply submit their experience daily, up to 6 hours each day through their intern portal under “Add Field Based Experience.”
For more details, please reference the TX Advisor Success KB articles regarding the changes to FBEs
Field Based Experience Parameters
Submitting Interactive FBEs via Portal